
providedExternalId providedName relationName resolvedCatalogName resolvedName resolvedAuthorship resolvedRank resolvedExternalUrl
Triungulin NONE wfo Triungulin
Pungitius NONE wfo Pungitius
Salmonids NONE wfo Salmonids
High plants NONE wfo High plants
Ant attached right hind leg NONE wfo Ant attached right hind leg
Ant detached leg NONE wfo Ant detached leg
Ant right side abdomen NONE wfo Ant right side abdomen
Left hindleg femur NONE wfo Left hindleg femur
Left lateral side thorax NONE wfo Left lateral side thorax
Longnose sucker NONE wfo Longnose sucker
Male NONE wfo Male
Male mites NONE wfo Male mites
Anterior side back right femur NONE wfo Anterior side back right femur
Face NONE wfo Face
Front left leg NONE wfo Front left leg
Front right thorax NONE wfo Front right thorax
Joint right hindleg coxa thorax NONE wfo Joint right hindleg coxa thorax
Left hindleg metatarsus NONE wfo Left hindleg metatarsus
Left hindwing tegula NONE wfo Left hindwing tegula
Left midleg femur NONE wfo Left midleg femur
Left side pronotal collar NONE wfo Left side pronotal collar
Left side propodeum NONE wfo Left side propodeum
Right hindleg metatarsus NONE wfo Right hindleg metatarsus
Right lateral side thorax NONE wfo Right lateral side thorax
Right metatarsus NONE wfo Right metatarsus
Right midleg metatarsus NONE wfo Right midleg metatarsus
Right side abdominal tergite NONE wfo Right side abdominal tergite
Right side gena NONE wfo Right side gena
Tergite NONE wfo Tergite
Ventral side left hindleg femur NONE wfo Ventral side left hindleg femur
Ventral side right hind trochanter NONE wfo Ventral side right hind trochanter
Ventral side thorax NONE wfo Ventral side thorax
Triungulin attached between tergites NONE wfo Triungulin attached between tergites
Triungulin attached front right tegula NONE wfo Triungulin attached front right tegula
Triungulin attached dorsal side thorax NONE wfo Triungulin attached dorsal side thorax
Triungulin attached left hind tibia NONE wfo Triungulin attached left hind tibia
Triungulin attached right middle tibia NONE wfo Triungulin attached right middle tibia
Triungulin attached top right forewing tegula NONE wfo Triungulin attached top right forewing tegula
Triungulin attached front left corner abdomen NONE wfo Triungulin attached front left corner abdomen
Triungulin attached left tegula NONE wfo Triungulin attached left tegula
Triungulin front left tegula NONE wfo Triungulin front left tegula
Triungulin NONE wfo Triungulin
Triungulin left hindleg metatarsus NONE wfo Triungulin left hindleg metatarsus
Triungulin left lateral side thorax NONE wfo Triungulin left lateral side thorax
Triungulin left side head NONE wfo Triungulin left side head
Triungulin left side propodeum NONE wfo Triungulin left side propodeum
Triungulin nottom left side thorax NONE wfo Triungulin nottom left side thorax
Triungulin right dorsal side scutellum NONE wfo Triungulin right dorsal side scutellum
Triungulin right lateral side thorax NONE wfo Triungulin right lateral side thorax
Triungulin right ventral side NONE wfo Triungulin right ventral side
Triungulin ventral side NONE wfo Triungulin ventral side
Triungulin ventral side right hindleg femur NONE wfo Triungulin ventral side right hindleg femur
Triungulin right tegula NONE wfo Triungulin right tegula
Triungulin right lateral side thorax NONE wfo Triungulin right lateral side thorax
Right handleg coxa femur joint NONE wfo Right handleg coxa femur joint
Right hindleg femur tibia joint NONE wfo Right hindleg femur tibia joint
Right lateral side abdominal tergite NONE wfo Right lateral side abdominal tergite
Salmonid NONE wfo Salmonid
Sculpin NONE wfo Sculpin
Ventrally tergite NONE wfo Ventrally tergite
Hemipteran dragging across sand beneath body NONE wfo Hemipteran dragging across sand beneath body
Gravid female anadromous stickleback NONE wfo Gravid female anadromous stickleback
Male anadromous stickleback NONE wfo Male anadromous stickleback
Nd bird MCZ also collected juncos song sparrow NONE wfo Nd bird MCZ also collected juncos song sparrow
Nd bird MCZ also collected juncos song sparrow NONE wfo Nd bird MCZ also collected juncos song sparrow
Anterior scutum NONE wfo Anterior scutum
Front left pronotal collar NONE wfo Front left pronotal collar
Labrum NONE wfo Labrum
Left metatarsus NONE wfo Left metatarsus
Right side scutellum NONE wfo Right side scutellum
Triungulin attached NONE wfo Triungulin attached
Triungulin attached left hind femur NONE wfo Triungulin attached left hind femur
Triungulin NONE wfo Triungulin
Triungulin each lateral side thorax NONE wfo Triungulin each lateral side thorax
Triungulin left lateral side thorax NONE wfo Triungulin left lateral side thorax
Right hindleg tibia metatarsus joint NONE wfo Right hindleg tibia metatarsus joint
Sculpin NONE wfo Sculpin
Theridiids NONE wfo Theridiids
Barnacle base haplobionts NONE wfo Barnacle base haplobionts
Illegible yucca NONE wfo Illegible yucca
Back left leg NONE wfo Back left leg
Triungulin NONE wfo Triungulin
Triungulin NONE wfo Triungulin
Triungulin NONE wfo Triungulin
Lb white marlin NONE wfo Lb white marlin
Triungulin attached left thorax NONE wfo Triungulin attached left thorax
Rooted NONE wfo Rooted
Triungulin attached NONE wfo Triungulin attached
Triungulin NONE wfo Triungulin
Ft Whitetip NONE wfo Ft Whitetip
Triungulin dorsal pronotal collar NONE wfo Triungulin dorsal pronotal collar
Grasses NONE wfo Grasses
Rooted NONE wfo Rooted
Triungulin NONE wfo Triungulin
Bottle rancid palm oil NONE wfo Bottle rancid palm oil
About pairs seen pond NONE wfo About pairs seen pond
Abrupta NONE wfo Abrupta
Abundant cutting fungus ant NONE wfo Abundant cutting fungus ant
Abyssocladia NONE wfo Abyssocladia
Acacia aroma SYNONYM_OF wfo Vachellia aroma (Gillies ex Hook. & Arn.) Seigler & Ebinger species
Acacia depanolobium NONE wfo Acacia depanolobium
Acacia depanolobium nigriceps NONE wfo Acacia depanolobium nigriceps
Acacia HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME wfo Acacia Mill. genus
Acacia HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME wfo Acacia Mill. genus
Acacia greggi SYNONYM_OF wfo Senegalia greggii (A.Gray) Britton & Rose species
Acacia tree ants NONE wfo Acacia tree ants
Acaia NONE wfo Acaia
Acanthomyrmex mindanao NONE wfo Acanthomyrmex mindanao
Acanthopteroctetes unifascia NONE wfo Acanthopteroctetes unifascia
Acanthoscelides schrankiae NONE wfo Acanthoscelides schrankiae
Acer rubrum HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME wfo Acer rubrum L. species
Achaearanea NONE wfo Achaearanea
Achelia assimilis NONE wfo Achelia assimilis
Achillea HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME wfo Achillea L. genus
Cloudy day before rain NONE wfo Cloudy day before rain
Comatulid crinoid NONE wfo Comatulid crinoid
Acritus arizonae NONE wfo Acritus arizonae
Acromyrmex coronatus NONE wfo Acromyrmex coronatus
Acropora NONE wfo Acropora
Acropora palifera NONE wfo Acropora palifera
Acropyga acutiventris NONE wfo Acropyga acutiventris
Actinaria sponges corals NONE wfo Actinaria sponges corals
Acuariidae NONE wfo Acuariidae
Adelomyrmex tristani NONE wfo Adelomyrmex tristani
Adetomyrma venatrix NONE wfo Adetomyrma venatrix
Adjacent bare ground hopbush viscosa sweet acacia farnesiana NONE wfo Adjacent bare ground hopbush viscosa sweet acacia farnesiana
Domatium NONE wfo Domatium
Aechmea bracteata HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME wfo Aechmea bracteata Griseb. species
Aechmea bracteata HAS_UNCHECKED_NAME wfo Aechmea bracteata Mez species
Aegealites vocifera NONE wfo Aegealites vocifera
Aenictus NONE wfo Aenictus
Aenictus NONE wfo Aenictus
Aethiomastacembelus moorii NONE wfo Aethiomastacembelus moorii
Female yellow fin tuna albacares NONE wfo Female yellow fin tuna albacares
Flock about coronata sparrows NONE wfo Flock about coronata sparrows
Agapostemon angelicus NONE wfo Agapostemon angelicus
Agapostemon melliventris NONE wfo Agapostemon melliventris
Agapostemon sericeus NONE wfo Agapostemon sericeus
Agapostemon texanus NONE wfo Agapostemon texanus
Agapostemon texanus NONE wfo Agapostemon texanus
Agapostemon virescens NONE wfo Agapostemon virescens
Agathomerus rugus NONE wfo Agathomerus rugus
Agononida longipes NONE wfo Agononida longipes
Agononida schroederi NONE wfo Agononida schroederi
Agroeca NONE wfo Agroeca
High pine tree NONE wfo High pine tree
Hill NONE wfo Hill
Horizontal branch NONE wfo Horizontal branch
Albinaria NONE wfo Albinaria
Alces alces NONE wfo Alces alces
Aleurochiton NONE wfo Aleurochiton
Aleurodes ruborum NONE wfo Aleurodes ruborum
Alfalfa NONE wfo Alfalfa
Alfalfa NONE wfo Alfalfa
Algae NONE wfo Algae
Algae haplobionts NONE wfo Algae haplobionts
Alium NONE wfo Alium
Allocosa panamena NONE wfo Allocosa panamena
Alloporus pulchellus NONE wfo Alloporus pulchellus
Alluvial sand NONE wfo Alluvial sand
Alni semilata NONE wfo Alni semilata
Alphamenes campanulatus nanicolor NONE wfo Alphamenes campanulatus nanicolor
Alpheidae NONE wfo Alpheidae
Also the area fronted NONE wfo Also the area fronted
Alsophila pometaria NONE wfo Alsophila pometaria
Alstroemeria spec NONE wfo Alstroemeria spec
Alucita desmodactyla NONE wfo Alucita desmodactyla
Amegilla pulchra NONE wfo Amegilla pulchra
Amegilla quadrifasciata NONE wfo Amegilla quadrifasciata
Amegilla NONE wfo Amegilla
Amegilla velocissima NONE wfo Amegilla velocissima
Amelanchier alnifolia HAS_UNCHECKED_NAME wfo Amelanchier alnifolia Sarg. species
Amelanchier alnifolia SYNONYM_OF wfo Amelanchier utahensis Koehne species
Amelanchier alnifolia HAS_UNCHECKED_NAME wfo Amelanchier alnifolia Farw. species
Amelanchier alnifolia HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME wfo Amelanchier alnifolia Nutt. species
Amelanchier HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME wfo Amelanchier Medik. genus
Ammodramus sandwichensis NONE wfo Ammodramus sandwichensis
Ammodramus sandwichensis nevadensis NONE wfo Ammodramus sandwichensis nevadensis
Ammodramus sandwichensis princeps NONE wfo Ammodramus sandwichensis princeps
Ammodramus sandwichensis savanna NONE wfo Ammodramus sandwichensis savanna
Ammodytes hexapterus NONE wfo Ammodytes hexapterus
Amorpha HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME wfo Amorpha L. genus
Amphiura NONE wfo Amphiura
Muddy flat NONE wfo Muddy flat
Anacampsis lagunculariella NONE wfo Anacampsis lagunculariella
Anaphalis margaritae NONE wfo Anaphalis margaritae
Anaphalis margarit NONE wfo Anaphalis margarit
Anaphalis margarit NONE wfo Anaphalis margarit
Anas discors NONE wfo Anas discors
Anchisauripus milfordensis NONE wfo Anchisauripus milfordensis
Anchisauripus tuberosus NONE wfo Anchisauripus tuberosus
Ancyridris polyrhachioides NONE wfo Ancyridris polyrhachioides
Circle slash NONE wfo Circle slash
Andrena accepta NONE wfo Andrena accepta
Andrena africana NONE wfo Andrena africana
Andrena agilissima NONE wfo Andrena agilissima
Andrena agilis NONE wfo Andrena agilis
Andrena aliciae NONE wfo Andrena aliciae
Andrena alleghaniensis NONE wfo Andrena alleghaniensis
Andrena andrenoides NONE wfo Andrena andrenoides
Andrena arabis NONE wfo Andrena arabis
Andrena argemonis NONE wfo Andrena argemonis
Andrena asteris NONE wfo Andrena asteris
Andrena auricoma NONE wfo Andrena auricoma
Andrena banksi NONE wfo Andrena banksi
Andrena barbilabris NONE wfo Andrena barbilabris
Andrena bisalicis NONE wfo Andrena bisalicis
Andrena braccata NONE wfo Andrena braccata
Andrena bradleyi NONE wfo Andrena bradleyi
Andrena canadensis NONE wfo Andrena canadensis
Andrena candida NONE wfo Andrena candida
Andrena carlini NONE wfo Andrena carlini
Andrena carolina NONE wfo Andrena carolina
Andrena chrysosceles NONE wfo Andrena chrysosceles
Andrena clarkella NONE wfo Andrena clarkella
Andrena commoda NONE wfo Andrena commoda
Andrena crataegi NONE wfo Andrena crataegi
Andrena crawfordi NONE wfo Andrena crawfordi
Andrena cressonii NONE wfo Andrena cressonii
Andrena distans NONE wfo Andrena distans
Andrena dunningi NONE wfo Andrena dunningi
Andrena erigeniae NONE wfo Andrena erigeniae
Andrena erythrogaster NONE wfo Andrena erythrogaster
Andrena fenningeri NONE wfo Andrena fenningeri
Andrena forbesii NONE wfo Andrena forbesii
Andrena fragilis NONE wfo Andrena fragilis
Andrena frigida NONE wfo Andrena frigida
Andrena gardineri NONE wfo Andrena gardineri
Andrena geranii NONE wfo Andrena geranii
Andrena haemorrhoa NONE wfo Andrena haemorrhoa
Andrena haynesi NONE wfo Andrena haynesi
Andrena helianthiformis NONE wfo Andrena helianthiformis
Andrena helianthi NONE wfo Andrena helianthi
Andrena hippotes NONE wfo Andrena hippotes
Andrena hirticincta NONE wfo Andrena hirticincta
Andrena illinoiensis NONE wfo Andrena illinoiensis
Andrena imitatrix NONE wfo Andrena imitatrix
Andrena integra NONE wfo Andrena integra
Andrena krigiana NONE wfo Andrena krigiana
Andrena lupinorum NONE wfo Andrena lupinorum
Andrena mariae NONE wfo Andrena mariae
Andrena melanochroa NONE wfo Andrena melanochroa
Andrena mellea NONE wfo Andrena mellea
Andrena milwaukeensis NONE wfo Andrena milwaukeensis
Andrena miranda NONE wfo Andrena miranda
Andrena miserabilis NONE wfo Andrena miserabilis
Andrena nasonii NONE wfo Andrena nasonii
Andrena nigrae NONE wfo Andrena nigrae
Andrena nigrihirta NONE wfo Andrena nigrihirta
Andrena nigroaenea NONE wfo Andrena nigroaenea
Andrena nivalis NONE wfo Andrena nivalis
Andrena nubecula NONE wfo Andrena nubecula
Andrena nuda NONE wfo Andrena nuda
Andrena pallidiscopa NONE wfo Andrena pallidiscopa
Andrena pensilis NONE wfo Andrena pensilis
Andrena perplexa NONE wfo Andrena perplexa
Andrena personata NONE wfo Andrena personata
Andrena platyparia NONE wfo Andrena platyparia
Andrena prunifloris NONE wfo Andrena prunifloris
Andrena pruni NONE wfo Andrena pruni
Andrena prunorum NONE wfo Andrena prunorum
Andrena regularis NONE wfo Andrena regularis
Andrena rehni NONE wfo Andrena rehni
Andrena robertsonii NONE wfo Andrena robertsonii
Andrena rugosa NONE wfo Andrena rugosa
Andrena runcinatae NONE wfo Andrena runcinatae
Andrena salictaria NONE wfo Andrena salictaria
Andrena sigmundi NONE wfo Andrena sigmundi
Andrena simplex NONE wfo Andrena simplex
Andrena sola NONE wfo Andrena sola
Andrena NONE wfo Andrena
Andrena spiraeana NONE wfo Andrena spiraeana
Andrena subaustralis NONE wfo Andrena subaustralis
Andrena submoesta NONE wfo Andrena submoesta
Andrena texana NONE wfo Andrena texana
Andrena thaspii NONE wfo Andrena thaspii
Andrena vicina NONE wfo Andrena vicina
Andrena violae NONE wfo Andrena violae
Andrena virginiana NONE wfo Andrena virginiana
Andrena wellesleyana NONE wfo Andrena wellesleyana
Andrena wilkella NONE wfo Andrena wilkella
Andrena wscripta NONE wfo Andrena wscripta
Andrena ziziaeformis NONE wfo Andrena ziziaeformis
Andrena ziziae NONE wfo Andrena ziziae
Andrenidae NONE wfo Andrenidae
Andricus ignotus NONE wfo Andricus ignotus
An emigration column NONE wfo An emigration column
Anemone haplobiont NONE wfo Anemone haplobiont
Anemones NONE wfo Anemones
Anhingas also abundant NONE wfo Anhingas also abundant
Anisakis NONE wfo Anisakis
Anisotoma panicula NONE wfo Anisotoma panicula
Anochetus africanus NONE wfo Anochetus africanus
Anochetus inermis NONE wfo Anochetus inermis
Anochetus levaillanti NONE wfo Anochetus levaillanti
Anochetus obscuratus NONE wfo Anochetus obscuratus
Anochetus testaceus NONE wfo Anochetus testaceus
Anodonthyla boulengeri NONE wfo Anodonthyla boulengeri
Anolis NONE wfo Anolis
Anolis elegans porcatus NONE wfo Anolis elegans porcatus
Anolis porcatus NONE wfo Anolis porcatus
Anoplolepis custodiens NONE wfo Anoplolepis custodiens
Anoplolepis gracilipes NONE wfo Anoplolepis gracilipes
An oyster reef NONE wfo An oyster reef
Ant attached right posterior side abdomen NONE wfo Ant attached right posterior side abdomen
Antennaria plantaginifolia HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME wfo Antennaria plantaginifolia (L.) Richardson species
Antennaria plantaginifolia HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME wfo Antennaria plantaginifolia (L.) Hook. species
Anteos maerula NONE wfo Anteos maerula
Anthene hodsoni NONE wfo Anthene hodsoni
Anthene seltuttus affinis NONE wfo Anthene seltuttus affinis
Anthidiellum notatum gilense NONE wfo Anthidiellum notatum gilense
Anthidiellum notatum NONE wfo Anthidiellum notatum
Anthidiellum notatum robertsoni NONE wfo Anthidiellum notatum robertsoni
Anthidium chilense NONE wfo Anthidium chilense
Anthidium emarginatum NONE wfo Anthidium emarginatum
Anthidium illustre NONE wfo Anthidium illustre
Anthidium maculosum NONE wfo Anthidium maculosum
Anthidium palmarum NONE wfo Anthidium palmarum
Anthidium porterae NONE wfo Anthidium porterae
Anthidium rubripes NONE wfo Anthidium rubripes
Anthidium tenuiflorae NONE wfo Anthidium tenuiflorae
Anthophora abroniae NONE wfo Anthophora abroniae
Anthophora abrupta NONE wfo Anthophora abrupta
Anthophora bomboides NONE wfo Anthophora bomboides
Anthophora californica NONE wfo Anthophora californica
Anthophora cockerelli NONE wfo Anthophora cockerelli
Anthophora curta NONE wfo Anthophora curta
Anthophora diversipes NONE wfo Anthophora diversipes
Anthophora edwardsii NONE wfo Anthophora edwardsii
Anthophora fedorica NONE wfo Anthophora fedorica
Anthophora linsleyi NONE wfo Anthophora linsleyi
Anthophora marginata NONE wfo Anthophora marginata
Anthophora montana NONE wfo Anthophora montana
Anthophora occidentalis NONE wfo Anthophora occidentalis
Anthophora rogenhoferi NONE wfo Anthophora rogenhoferi
Anthophora NONE wfo Anthophora
Anthophora terminalis NONE wfo Anthophora terminalis
Anthophora urbana NONE wfo Anthophora urbana
Anthophora ursina NONE wfo Anthophora ursina
Anthophora ursina simillima NONE wfo Anthophora ursina simillima
Anthophora walshii NONE wfo Anthophora walshii
Anticarsia gemmatalis NONE wfo Anticarsia gemmatalis
Antipolistes anthracella NONE wfo Antipolistes anthracella
Antiteuchus innocens NONE wfo Antiteuchus innocens
Antiteuchus mixus NONE wfo Antiteuchus mixus
Antiteuchus tripterus NONE wfo Antiteuchus tripterus
Ant removing male spruce budworm web NONE wfo Ant removing male spruce budworm web
Antricola coprophilus NONE wfo Antricola coprophilus
Ant NONE wfo Ant
Apache NONE wfo Apache
Apanteles atalantae NONE wfo Apanteles atalantae
Apatelodes torrefacta NONE wfo Apatelodes torrefacta
Apatopus lineatus NONE wfo Apatopus lineatus
Apenesia cochise NONE wfo Apenesia cochise
Apenes lepidula NONE wfo Apenes lepidula
Aphaenogaster boulderensis NONE wfo Aphaenogaster boulderensis
Aphaenogaster floridana NONE wfo Aphaenogaster floridana
Aphaenogaster fulva NONE wfo Aphaenogaster fulva
Aphaenogaster lamellidens NONE wfo Aphaenogaster lamellidens
Aphaenogaster occidentalis NONE wfo Aphaenogaster occidentalis
Aphaenogaster picea NONE wfo Aphaenogaster picea
Aphaenogaster rudis NONE wfo Aphaenogaster rudis
Aphaenogaster texana NONE wfo Aphaenogaster texana
Aphaenogaster treatae NONE wfo Aphaenogaster treatae
Aphaenogaster uinta NONE wfo Aphaenogaster uinta
Aphelolpium NONE wfo Aphelolpium
Aphids NONE wfo Aphids
Apidae NONE wfo Apidae
Pile wood NONE wfo Pile wood
Aplysina cellulosa NONE wfo Aplysina cellulosa
Aplysiopsis enteromorphae NONE wfo Aplysiopsis enteromorphae
Apocynum androsaemifolium HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME wfo Apocynum androsaemifolium L. species
Apple NONE wfo Apple
Apple tree NONE wfo Apple tree
Apsisaurus witteri NONE wfo Apsisaurus witteri
Apterostigma ancilonodum NONE wfo Apterostigma ancilonodum
Apterostigma chocoense NONE wfo Apterostigma chocoense
Apterostigma NONE wfo Apterostigma
Aralia rudicaulis NONE wfo Aralia rudicaulis
Araneus marmoreus NONE wfo Araneus marmoreus
Arara gilliesi NONE wfo Arara gilliesi
Araucaria HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME wfo Araucaria Juss. genus
Arboreal nest NONE wfo Arboreal nest
Archaeoglenes australis NONE wfo Archaeoglenes australis
Archaeoteleia mellea NONE wfo Archaeoteleia mellea
Archaeothyris florensis NONE wfo Archaeothyris florensis
Archeria crassidisca NONE wfo Archeria crassidisca
Archilochus colubris NONE wfo Archilochus colubris
Arctic loon NONE wfo Arctic loon
Arctic tern NONE wfo Arctic tern
Arctic tern NONE wfo Arctic tern
Arctic NONE wfo Arctic
Arctic terns NONE wfo Arctic terns
Arctic terns NONE wfo Arctic terns
Arctostaphylos glauca fl NONE wfo Arctostaphylos glauca fl
Arctostaphylos HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME wfo Arctostaphylos Adans. genus
Argentina anserina HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME wfo Argentina anserina Rydb. species
Argiope argentata NONE wfo Argiope argentata
Argyresthia thuiella NONE wfo Argyresthia thuiella
Aristelliger praesignis praesignis NONE wfo Aristelliger praesignis praesignis
Armitermes armiger NONE wfo Armitermes armiger
Rock NONE wfo Rock
Aroid stem coccids NONE wfo Aroid stem coccids
Aroma beans NONE wfo Aroma beans
Arrhopalites lacuna NONE wfo Arrhopalites lacuna
Arrhopalites pavo NONE wfo Arrhopalites pavo
Arrhopalites silvus NONE wfo Arrhopalites silvus
Arthroleptis variabilis NONE wfo Arthroleptis variabilis
Aruncus HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME wfo Aruncus L. genus
Asbolis capucinus NONE wfo Asbolis capucinus
Ascarididae NONE wfo Ascarididae
Ash NONE wfo Ash
Ashmeadiella bucconis NONE wfo Ashmeadiella bucconis
Ashmeadiella cactorum NONE wfo Ashmeadiella cactorum
Ashmeadiella micheneri NONE wfo Ashmeadiella micheneri
Ashmeadiella NONE wfo Ashmeadiella
Asperipes longidigitatus NONE wfo Asperipes longidigitatus
Aspidiotus convexus NONE wfo Aspidiotus convexus
Sponge NONE wfo Sponge
Associating NONE wfo Associating
Assoc NONE wfo Assoc
Aster cordifolius SYNONYM_OF wfo Symphyotrichum cordifolium (L.) G.L.Nesom species
Aster HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME wfo Aster L. genus
Aster novae angliae NONE wfo Aster novae angliae
Aster paniculatus HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME wfo Aster paniculatus Muhl. species
Aster paniculatus SYNONYM_OF wfo Symphyotrichum × salignum (Willd.) G.L.Nesom species
Aster paniculatus SYNONYM_OF wfo Symphyotrichum undulatum (L.) G.L.Nesom species
Aster paniculatus HAS_UNCHECKED_NAME wfo Aster paniculatus Willd. species
Aster paniculatus SYNONYM_OF wfo Symphyotrichum lanceolatum var. lanceolatum (Willd.) G.L.Nesom variety
Aster paniculatus HAS_UNCHECKED_NAME wfo Aster paniculatus [Dryand.] species
Aster paniculatus SYNONYM_OF wfo Symphyotrichum ciliolatum (Lindl.) Á.Löve & D.Löve species
Astragalus graeilis NONE wfo Astragalus graeilis
Astropecten articulatus NONE wfo Astropecten articulatus
Stump NONE wfo Stump
Swarming flight NONE wfo Swarming flight
As well as polychaetes NONE wfo As well as polychaetes
As well as polychaetes NONE wfo As well as polychaetes
At Echium NONE wfo At Echium
Atemnidae NONE wfo Atemnidae
Ateuchus NONE wfo Ateuchus
At flrs illegible NONE wfo At flrs illegible
At fls thistle NONE wfo At fls thistle
At joint right hindleg coxa femur NONE wfo At joint right hindleg coxa femur
At least triungulin NONE wfo At least triungulin
At Lithrium salicina NONE wfo At Lithrium salicina
Tococa ants NONE wfo Tococa ants
Atolla NONE wfo Atolla
At time found bottled NONE wfo At time found bottled
Atopomyrmex mocquerysi NONE wfo Atopomyrmex mocquerysi
At Opuntia NONE wfo At Opuntia
Atta insularis NONE wfo Atta insularis
Atta texana NONE wfo Atta texana
Attended by smaragdina plant NONE wfo Attended by smaragdina plant
Attine refuse NONE wfo Attine refuse
Auf NONE wfo Auf
Auricoma NONE wfo Auricoma
Aute aria NONE wfo Aute aria
Avicennia HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME wfo Avicennia L. genus
Avrainvillea algae NONE wfo Avrainvillea algae
Avrainvillea NONE wfo Avrainvillea
Axinidris luhya NONE wfo Axinidris luhya
Colony an open NONE wfo Colony an open
Azalea flowers NONE wfo Azalea flowers
Azalia rispida NONE wfo Azalia rispida
Azara integrifolia HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME wfo Azara integrifolia Ruiz & Pav. species
Azara integrifolia SYNONYM_OF wfo Azara integrifolia Ruiz & Pav. species
Azendohsauridae NONE wfo Azendohsauridae
Azendohsauridae NONE wfo Azendohsauridae
Azteca alfari NONE wfo Azteca alfari
Azteca aragua NONE wfo Azteca aragua
Azteca coeruleipennis NONE wfo Azteca coeruleipennis
Azteca fasciata laeta NONE wfo Azteca fasciata laeta
Azteca NONE wfo Azteca
Azteca forelii NONE wfo Azteca forelii
Azteca jelskii NONE wfo Azteca jelskii
Azteca lattke NONE wfo Azteca lattke
Azteca merida NONE wfo Azteca merida
Azteca petalocephala NONE wfo Azteca petalocephala
Azteca NONE wfo Azteca
Azteca traili filicis NONE wfo Azteca traili filicis
Baba NONE wfo Baba
Baccharis HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME wfo Baccharis L. genus
Baccharis piluaris NONE wfo Baccharis piluaris
Baccharis rosmarinifolia SYNONYM_OF wfo Baccharis linearis subsp. linearis subspecies
Baeria HAS_UNCHECKED_NAME wfo Baeria Fisch. & C.A.Mey. genus
Bailyea NONE wfo Bailyea
Ballota nigra HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME wfo Ballota nigra L. species
Balsa NONE wfo Balsa
Balsa nest NONE wfo Balsa nest
Balsa nest NONE wfo Balsa nest
Balyea NONE wfo Balyea
Bank creek valley NONE wfo Bank creek valley
Bapt NONE wfo Bapt
Baptisia HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME wfo Baptisia Vent. genus
Baptisia tinctoria HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME wfo Baptisia tinctoria (L.) Vent. species
Baptisia tinctoria HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME wfo Baptisia tinctoria (L.) R.Br. in W.T.Aiton species
Baptisia tinetoria NONE wfo Baptisia tinetoria
Bar at the mouth the NONE wfo Bar at the mouth the
Barbarea HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME wfo Barbarea W.T.Aiton genus
Barbarea HAS_UNCHECKED_NAME wfo Barbarea Scop. genus