
providedExternalId providedName relationName resolvedCatalogName resolvedName resolvedAuthorship resolvedRank resolvedExternalUrl
Th instar fed prickly ash NONE worms Th instar fed prickly ash
Abaeis nicippe NONE worms Abaeis nicippe
Bromeliad NONE worms Bromeliad
Achlyodes busirus heros NONE worms Achlyodes busirus heros
Achlyodes pallida NONE worms Achlyodes pallida
Acleris schalleriana viburnana NONE worms Acleris schalleriana viburnana
Actias luna NONE worms Actias luna
Aellopos tantalus NONE worms Aellopos tantalus
Grassy field area junipers NONE worms Grassy field area junipers
Along grass NONE worms Along grass
Amorpha juglandis NONE worms Amorpha juglandis
Amphion floridensis NONE worms Amphion floridensis
Anatrytone logan NONE worms Anatrytone logan
Anatrytone logan logan NONE worms Anatrytone logan logan
Anavitrinella pampinaria NONE worms Anavitrinella pampinaria
Ancyloxypha numitor NONE worms Ancyloxypha numitor
Anisota senatoria NONE worms Anisota senatoria
Anisota virginiensis NONE worms Anisota virginiensis
Antaeotricha leucillana NONE worms Antaeotricha leucillana
Antheraea polyphemus NONE worms Antheraea polyphemus
Anthocharis midea midea NONE worms Anthocharis midea midea
Anticlea multiferata NONE worms Anticlea multiferata
Apoda biguttata NONE worms Apoda biguttata
Apple NONE worms Apple
Archips argyrospila NONE worms Archips argyrospila
Archips cerasivorana NONE worms Archips cerasivorana
Argyrotaenia quercifoliana NONE worms Argyrotaenia quercifoliana
Argyrotaenia velutinana HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME worms Argyrotaenia velutinana (Walker, 1863) species
Ascia monuste NONE worms Ascia monuste
Asclepias HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME worms Asclepias Linnaeus, 1753 genus
Ash NONE worms Ash
At alfalfa flowers NONE worms At alfalfa flowers
Atalopedes campestris NONE worms Atalopedes campestris
At Buddleja flowers NONE worms At Buddleja flowers
At flower NONE worms At flower
At flowers NONE worms At flowers
At goldenrod NONE worms At goldenrod
At lilacs NONE worms At lilacs
At marigold NONE worms At marigold
At milkweed NONE worms At milkweed
At milkweeds NONE worms At milkweeds
At mint flowers NONE worms At mint flowers
At petunia NONE worms At petunia
At Phlox flowers NONE worms At Phlox flowers
At phlox NONE worms At phlox
At porch light or flowers NONE worms At porch light or flowers
At rest elm tree NONE worms At rest elm tree
At roadside flowers NONE worms At roadside flowers
Atrytonopsis hianna NONE worms Atrytonopsis hianna
At sumac NONE worms At sumac
Atteva aurea NONE worms Atteva aurea
At willow NONE worms At willow
At zinnias NONE worms At zinnias
Barrens NONE worms Barrens
Basswood NONE worms Basswood
Battus philenor NONE worms Battus philenor
Battus philenor philenor NONE worms Battus philenor philenor
Battus polydamas NONE worms Battus polydamas
Bearberry NONE worms Bearberry
Bidens blossoms NONE worms Bidens blossoms
Birch NONE worms Birch
Border forest along highway grasses NONE worms Border forest along highway grasses
Boston ivy NONE worms Boston ivy
Bred fireweed NONE worms Bred fireweed
Bred found green salad bought the market NONE worms Bred found green salad bought the market
Bred red pepper NONE worms Bred red pepper
Bred NONE worms Bred
Bred NONE worms Bred
Breed NONE worms Breed
Breed NONE worms Breed
Bushes NONE worms Bushes
Butternut NONE worms Butternut
By flowers NONE worms By flowers
Cabbage NONE worms Cabbage
Callophrys henrici NONE worms Callophrys henrici
Callosamia promethea NONE worms Callosamia promethea
Calpodes ethlius HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME worms Calpodes ethlius Stoll, 1782 species
Carterocephalus palaemon NONE worms Carterocephalus palaemon
Catalpa NONE worms Catalpa
Catalpa speciosa NONE worms Catalpa speciosa
Caterpillar lilac NONE worms Caterpillar lilac
Catocala angusi NONE worms Catocala angusi
Catocala antinympha NONE worms Catocala antinympha
Catocala coccinata NONE worms Catocala coccinata
Catocala consors NONE worms Catocala consors
Catocala gracilis NONE worms Catocala gracilis
Catocala ilia NONE worms Catocala ilia
Catocala neogama NONE worms Catocala neogama
Catocala palaeogama NONE worms Catocala palaeogama
Catocala relicta NONE worms Catocala relicta
Catocala residua NONE worms Catocala residua
Catocala sordida NONE worms Catocala sordida
The grass NONE worms The grass
Celotes nessus NONE worms Celotes nessus
Ceratomia amyntor NONE worms Ceratomia amyntor
Ceratomia catalpae NONE worms Ceratomia catalpae
Ceratomia sonorensis NONE worms Ceratomia sonorensis
Ceratomia undulosa NONE worms Ceratomia undulosa
Choristoneura rosaceana NONE worms Choristoneura rosaceana
Cineria NONE worms Cineria
Citheronia splendens NONE worms Citheronia splendens
Clepsis melaleucanus NONE worms Clepsis melaleucanus
Colias eurytheme HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME worms Colias eurytheme Boisduval, 1852 species
Colias interior NONE worms Colias interior
Colias philodice HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME worms Colias philodice Godart, 1819 species
Collected at flowers vegetation NONE worms Collected at flowers vegetation
Collected at red flowers vegetation NONE worms Collected at red flowers vegetation
Collected flower bed NONE worms Collected flower bed
Collected alfalfa NONE worms Collected alfalfa
Collected chive plant blossom NONE worms Collected chive plant blossom
Collected grape NONE worms Collected grape
Collected woodbine NONE worms Collected woodbine
Columnar junipers NONE worms Columnar junipers
Common grass NONE worms Common grass
Common plants by NONE worms Common plants by
Copaeodes aurantiaca NONE worms Copaeodes aurantiaca
Copaeodes minima NONE worms Copaeodes minima
Cottonwood NONE worms Cottonwood
Crambini NONE worms Crambini
Crambus agitatellus NONE worms Crambus agitatellus
Crambus albellus NONE worms Crambus albellus
Crambus praefectellus NONE worms Crambus praefectellus
Culicidae HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME worms Culicidae family
Cymaenes odilia NONE worms Cymaenes odilia
Darapsa myron NONE worms Darapsa myron
Dasychira NONE worms Dasychira
Day bush NONE worms Day bush
Deidamia inscripta NONE worms Deidamia inscripta
Desmia funeralis NONE worms Desmia funeralis
Digrammia mellistrigata NONE worms Digrammia mellistrigata
Dolba hyloeus NONE worms Dolba hyloeus
Found NONE worms Found
Elm tree NONE worms Elm tree
Pupal case citrus NONE worms Pupal case citrus
Ennomos subsignaria NONE worms Ennomos subsignaria
Epargyreus clarus NONE worms Epargyreus clarus
Epiblema scudderiana NONE worms Epiblema scudderiana
Epilobium HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME worms Epilobium Linnaeus, 1753 genus
Epilobium fireweed NONE worms Epilobium fireweed
Epilobium HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME worms Epilobium Linnaeus, 1753 genus
Erinnyis alope NONE worms Erinnyis alope
Erinnyis ello HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME worms Erinnyis ello Linnaeus, 1758 species
Erynnis NONE worms Erynnis
Erynnis baptisiae NONE worms Erynnis baptisiae
Erynnis funeralis NONE worms Erynnis funeralis
Erynnis juvenalis NONE worms Erynnis juvenalis
Erynnis lucilius NONE worms Erynnis lucilius
Erynnis persius NONE worms Erynnis persius
Erynnis persius persius NONE worms Erynnis persius persius
Euchloe lotta NONE worms Euchloe lotta
Euclea semifascia NONE worms Euclea semifascia
Eulithis gracilineata NONE worms Eulithis gracilineata
Eumorpha achemon NONE worms Eumorpha achemon
Eumorpha pandorus HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME worms Eumorpha pandorus Hübner, 1821 species
Euphyes conspicua NONE worms Euphyes conspicua
Euphyes dion NONE worms Euphyes dion
Euphyes vestris metacomet NONE worms Euphyes vestris metacomet
Euphyia intermediata NONE worms Euphyia intermediata
Eurema mexicana NONE worms Eurema mexicana
Eutrapela clemataria NONE worms Eutrapela clemataria
Evening primrose fireweed NONE worms Evening primrose fireweed
Evening primrose NONE worms Evening primrose
Baptisia NONE worms Baptisia
Citrus HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME worms Citrus Linnaeus, 1753 genus
Citrus HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME worms Citrus Linnaeus, 1753 genus
Dill NONE worms Dill
Lonicera HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME worms Lonicera Linnaeus, 1753 genus
Lupine NONE worms Lupine
Nelumbo lutea HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME worms Nelumbo lutea (Willd.) Pers. species
Rumex altissimus NONE worms Rumex altissimus
Salix HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME worms Salix genus
Viburnum lentago NONE worms Viburnum lentago
Viburnum prunifolium NONE worms Viburnum prunifolium
Canna HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME worms Canna Linnaeus, 1753 genus
Ova HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME worms Ova Gray, 1825 genus
Pupa citrus NONE worms Pupa citrus
Pupa oak NONE worms Pupa oak
Pupa cherry twigs NONE worms Pupa cherry twigs
Americana SYNONYM_OF worms Polymesoda Rafinesque, 1820 genus
At milkweed NONE worms At milkweed
At Ribes NONE worms At Ribes
Fireweed NONE worms Fireweed
Plantae HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME worms Plantae Haeckel, 1866 kingdom
Flowers NONE worms Flowers
Flying NONE worms Flying
Plant NONE worms Plant
Plant NONE worms Plant
Plant watercress officinale NONE worms Plant watercress officinale
Found between blades lacustris NONE worms Found between blades lacustris
Found between two spun together NONE worms Found between two spun together
Found the grass NONE worms Found the grass
Found NONE worms Found
Found dill NONE worms Found dill
Found NONE worms Found
Found silver linden trees NONE worms Found silver linden trees
Bird package NONE worms Bird package
Cabbage plant inside NONE worms Cabbage plant inside
Pitcher NONE worms Pitcher
Furcula bicuspis NONE worms Furcula bicuspis
Gluphisia severa NONE worms Gluphisia severa
Grass along open woodland path NONE worms Grass along open woodland path
Grasses bordering NONE worms Grasses bordering
Gravel banks NONE worms Gravel banks
Haematopis grataria NONE worms Haematopis grataria
Has label that reads th instar fed prickly ash NONE worms Has label that reads th instar fed prickly ash
Has label that reads NONE worms Has label that reads
Heliopetes arsalte NONE worms Heliopetes arsalte
Hellula rogatalis HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME worms Hellula rogatalis Hulst, 1886 species
Hemaris aethra NONE worms Hemaris aethra
Hemaris NONE worms Hemaris
Hemaris diffinis NONE worms Hemaris diffinis
Hemaris gracilis NONE worms Hemaris gracilis
Hemaris thysbe NONE worms Hemaris thysbe
Hemileuca burnsi NONE worms Hemileuca burnsi
Hemileuca lucina NONE worms Hemileuca lucina
Hemileuca maia NONE worms Hemileuca maia
Herpetogramma pertextalis NONE worms Herpetogramma pertextalis
Hesperia attalus NONE worms Hesperia attalus
Hesperia comma laurentina NONE worms Hesperia comma laurentina
Hesperia leonardus NONE worms Hesperia leonardus
Hesperia metea NONE worms Hesperia metea
Hesperia nevada NONE worms Hesperia nevada
Hesperia ottoe NONE worms Hesperia ottoe
Hesperia sassacus NONE worms Hesperia sassacus
Hesperia viridis NONE worms Hesperia viridis
Heterocampa umbrata NONE worms Heterocampa umbrata
Heterophleps refusaria NONE worms Heterophleps refusaria
Homochlodes fritillaria NONE worms Homochlodes fritillaria
Host plant perennis NONE worms Host plant perennis
Hyalophora cecropia NONE worms Hyalophora cecropia
Hyalophora cecropia × columbia NONE worms Hyalophora cecropia × columbia
Hyalophora columbia NONE worms Hyalophora columbia
Hyalophora gloveri NONE worms Hyalophora gloveri
Hydriomena renunciata NONE worms Hydriomena renunciata
Hylephila phyleus HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME worms Hylephila phyleus (Drury, 1773) species
Hyles gallii NONE worms Hyles gallii
Hyles lineata NONE worms Hyles lineata
Hypena humuli NONE worms Hypena humuli
Hypena scabra HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME worms Hypena scabra (Fabricius, 1798) species
Idaea bonifata NONE worms Idaea bonifata
Bed sweet fern NONE worms Bed sweet fern
Bushes NONE worms Bushes
Clover field NONE worms Clover field
Plantae HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME worms Plantae Haeckel, 1866 kingdom
Grass NONE worms Grass
Indian corn NONE worms Indian corn
Pitcher NONE worms Pitcher
Ironwood NONE worms Ironwood
Isoparce NONE worms Isoparce
Juniperus californica NONE worms Juniperus californica
Laid NONE worms Laid
Lake shore NONE worms Lake shore
Lambdina fiscellaria NONE worms Lambdina fiscellaria
Collected NONE worms Collected
Collected NONE worms Collected
Sand NONE worms Sand
Foodplant astragalus canadensis NONE worms Foodplant astragalus canadensis
Found NONE worms Found
Found NONE worms Found
Found NONE worms Found
Host plant sepium NONE worms Host plant sepium
Alder NONE worms Alder
Lotus HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME worms Lotus genus
Symphoricarpos orbiculatus NONE worms Symphoricarpos orbiculatus
Lerema accius NONE worms Lerema accius
Lerodea eufala NONE worms Lerodea eufala
Lime NONE worms Lime
Lintneria eremitus NONE worms Lintneria eremitus
Lobophora nivigerata NONE worms Lobophora nivigerata
Locality label reads at porch light or flowers NONE worms Locality label reads at porch light or flowers
Locality label reads citrus NONE worms Locality label reads citrus
Locality label reads very common over patch bindweed NONE worms Locality label reads very common over patch bindweed
Lochmaeus manteo NONE worms Lochmaeus manteo
Loxostege commixtalis NONE worms Loxostege commixtalis
Lymantria dispar NONE worms Lymantria dispar
Lytrosis sinuosa NONE worms Lytrosis sinuosa
Manduca quinquemaculata NONE worms Manduca quinquemaculata
Marsh grass NONE worms Marsh grass
Mesoleuca ruficillata NONE worms Mesoleuca ruficillata
Metalectra NONE worms Metalectra
Metarranthis refractaria NONE worms Metarranthis refractaria
Milkweed NONE worms Milkweed
Nadata gibbosa NONE worms Nadata gibbosa
Nastra julia NONE worms Nastra julia
Nastra lherminier NONE worms Nastra lherminier
Nastra neamathla NONE worms Nastra neamathla
Nectaring NONE worms Nectaring
Nectaring NONE worms Nectaring
Nectaring NONE worms Nectaring
Nectaring NONE worms Nectaring
Nematocampa resistaria NONE worms Nematocampa resistaria
Oak NONE worms Oak
Oarisma poweshiek NONE worms Oarisma poweshiek
Amorpha canescens NONE worms Amorpha canescens
Anethum graveolens dill NONE worms Anethum graveolens dill
Apple tree NONE worms Apple tree
Asclepias blossom NONE worms Asclepias blossom
Astragalus canadensis NONE worms Astragalus canadensis
Baptisia NONE worms Baptisia
Bee balm NONE worms Bee balm
Birch NONE worms Birch
Blazing star NONE worms Blazing star
Blossom elderberry NONE worms Blossom elderberry
Blueberry NONE worms Blueberry
Buddleia bush NONE worms Buddleia bush
Bushes NONE worms Bushes
Carrot NONE worms Carrot
Carya cordiformis NONE worms Carya cordiformis
Carya glabra NONE worms Carya glabra
Catalpa speciosa NONE worms Catalpa speciosa
Citrus HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME worms Citrus Linnaeus, 1753 genus
Citrus HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME worms Citrus Linnaeus, 1753 genus
Clover blossoms NONE worms Clover blossoms
Clover NONE worms Clover
Cnidoscolus NONE worms Cnidoscolus
Coreopsis flower NONE worms Coreopsis flower
Panamintensis NONE worms Panamintensis
Dandelion NONE worms Dandelion
Dill NONE worms Dill
Dogbane NONE worms Dogbane
Elm tree NONE worms Elm tree
Euonymus shrub NONE worms Euonymus shrub
Euonymus NONE worms Euonymus
Euonymus tree NONE worms Euonymus tree
Feverword NONE worms Feverword
Plantae HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME worms Plantae Haeckel, 1866 kingdom
Flower single sky blue NONE worms Flower single sky blue
Plantae HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME worms Plantae Haeckel, 1866 kingdom
Fraxinus NONE worms Fraxinus
Garden flowers NONE worms Garden flowers
Goldenrod NONE worms Goldenrod
Grass NONE worms Grass
Guava tree fruit NONE worms Guava tree fruit
Hawkweed flowers NONE worms Hawkweed flowers
Hesperis flowers NONE worms Hesperis flowers
Honeysuckle NONE worms Honeysuckle
Joe pye weed NONE worms Joe pye weed
Joe NONE worms Joe
Juniper NONE worms Juniper
Lantana HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME worms Lantana Linnaeus, 1753 genus
Larix HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME worms Larix Mill. genus
Larkspur NONE worms Larkspur
Lilac bush NONE worms Lilac bush
Lilacs NONE worms Lilacs
Lithospermum caroliniense flowers NONE worms Lithospermum caroliniense flowers
Locoweed NONE worms Locoweed
Lonicera HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME worms Lonicera Linnaeus, 1753 genus
Marigold NONE worms Marigold
Milkweed NONE worms Milkweed
Mint flowers NONE worms Mint flowers
Mock orange NONE worms Mock orange
Monarda fistulosa NONE worms Monarda fistulosa
Monarda NONE worms Monarda
Museum lawn NONE worms Museum lawn
North NONE worms North
Oak NONE worms Oak
Parlsey NONE worms Parlsey
Peonies NONE worms Peonies
Plantae HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME worms Plantae Haeckel, 1866 kingdom
Plum NONE worms Plum
Poplar sapling NONE worms Poplar sapling
Poplars NONE worms Poplars
Prairie dock NONE worms Prairie dock
Prairie dropseed heterolepis NONE worms Prairie dropseed heterolepis
Prunus HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME worms Prunus Linnaeus, 1753 genus
Psoralea cuspidata NONE worms Psoralea cuspidata
Quercus falcata NONE worms Quercus falcata
Quercus NONE worms Quercus
Rabbit NONE worms Rabbit
Red clover NONE worms Red clover
Rotting vegetation NONE worms Rotting vegetation
Salix candida NONE worms Salix candida
Salvia HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME worms Salvia Linnaeus, 1753 genus
Scrub oak NONE worms Scrub oak
Sedge NONE worms Sedge
Solidago HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME worms Solidago L. genus
Solidago HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME worms Solidago Mill. genus
Spiraea latifolia NONE worms Spiraea latifolia
Streptanthella longirostris NONE worms Streptanthella longirostris
Symphyotrichum novae angliae NONE worms Symphyotrichum novae angliae
Thistle NONE worms Thistle
Tobacco NONE worms Tobacco
Tree NONE worms Tree
Angiosperms NONE worms Angiosperms
Tree trunk NONE worms Tree trunk
Spinosa NONE worms Spinosa
Angiosperms NONE worms Angiosperms
Vicinium NONE worms Vicinium
Virginia creeper NONE worms Virginia creeper
Walnut NONE worms Walnut
White clover by wooded roadside NONE worms White clover by wooded roadside
White clover NONE worms White clover
Bergamot NONE worms Bergamot
Rhubarb NONE worms Rhubarb
Woodbine NONE worms Woodbine
Open collected NONE worms Open collected
Orgyia SYNONYM_OF worms Alaria Greville, 1830 genus
Or near plants near intermitent waterway herbacious plants acacia trees NONE worms Or near plants near intermitent waterway herbacious plants acacia trees
Ostrinia nubilalis nubilalis NONE worms Ostrinia nubilalis nubilalis
Ostrinia penitalis NONE worms Ostrinia penitalis
Ova oak NONE worms Ova oak
Overcup oak NONE worms Overcup oak
Ovipositing clover NONE worms Ovipositing clover
Ozark NONE worms Ozark
Panoquina ocola NONE worms Panoquina ocola
Paonias excaecata NONE worms Paonias excaecata
Papilio brevicauda bretonensis NONE worms Papilio brevicauda bretonensis
Papilio brevicauda brevicauda NONE worms Papilio brevicauda brevicauda
Papilio brevicauda gaspeensis NONE worms Papilio brevicauda gaspeensis
Papilio canadensis NONE worms Papilio canadensis
Papilio cresphontes HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME worms Papilio cresphontes Cramer, 1777 species
Papilio glaucus NONE worms Papilio glaucus
Papilio glaucus glaucus NONE worms Papilio glaucus glaucus
Papilio indra fordi NONE worms Papilio indra fordi
Papilio joanae NONE worms Papilio joanae
Papilio multicaudata NONE worms Papilio multicaudata
Papilio ornythion NONE worms Papilio ornythion
Papilio palamedes NONE worms Papilio palamedes
Papilio polyxenes NONE worms Papilio polyxenes
Papilio polyxenes asterius NONE worms Papilio polyxenes asterius
Papilio troilus troilus NONE worms Papilio troilus troilus
Parapoynx badiusalis NONE worms Parapoynx badiusalis
Pear blossom NONE worms Pear blossom
Pediasia trisecta NONE worms Pediasia trisecta
Perichares adela NONE worms Perichares adela
Petrophila bifascialis NONE worms Petrophila bifascialis
Petunias NONE worms Petunias
Pheosia rimosa NONE worms Pheosia rimosa
Phobetron hipparchia NONE worms Phobetron hipparchia
Phoebis agarithe NONE worms Phoebis agarithe
Phoebis agarithe maxima NONE worms Phoebis agarithe maxima
Phoebis philea NONE worms Phoebis philea
Phoebis sennae eubule HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME worms Phoebis sennae eubule (Linnaeus, 1767) subspecies
Pholisora catullus NONE worms Pholisora catullus
Phyciodes batesii NONE worms Phyciodes batesii
Pieris oleracea NONE worms Pieris oleracea
Pieris rapae HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME worms Pieris rapae Boisduval, 1836 species
Plebejus idas nabokovi NONE worms Plebejus idas nabokovi
Plodia interpunctella HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME worms Plodia interpunctella Hübner, 1813 species
Poanes hobomok NONE worms Poanes hobomok
Poanes massasoit NONE worms Poanes massasoit
Poanes zabulon NONE worms Poanes zabulon
Polites mystic NONE worms Polites mystic
Polites origenes NONE worms Polites origenes
Polites peckius NONE worms Polites peckius
Polites rhesus NONE worms Polites rhesus
Polites themistocles NONE worms Polites themistocles
Polites vibex NONE worms Polites vibex
Pompeius verna NONE worms Pompeius verna
Pontia protodice NONE worms Pontia protodice
Poplar NONE worms Poplar
Poplar NONE worms Poplar
Prairie NONE worms Prairie
Probole alienaria NONE worms Probole alienaria
Prochoerodes lineola NONE worms Prochoerodes lineola
Pupa hanging elm tree NONE worms Pupa hanging elm tree
Pupa removed tree NONE worms Pupa removed tree
Purple vetch flowers NONE worms Purple vetch flowers
Pyrgus communis NONE worms Pyrgus communis
Pyrisitia lisa NONE worms Pyrisitia lisa
Pyrisitia proterpia NONE worms Pyrisitia proterpia
Quercus borealis NONE worms Quercus borealis
Quercus nigra NONE worms Quercus nigra
Reared NONE worms Reared
Reared nettle NONE worms Reared nettle
Reared NONE worms Reared
Reared NONE worms Reared
Reared boxelder NONE worms Reared boxelder
Reared carrot NONE worms Reared carrot
Reared NONE worms Reared
Reared NONE worms Reared
Reared kohlrabi NONE worms Reared kohlrabi
Reared NONE worms Reared
Reared NONE worms Reared
Reared oak NONE worms Reared oak
Reared NONE worms Reared
Red clover NONE worms Red clover
Red oak NONE worms Red oak
Resting shagbark hickory NONE worms Resting shagbark hickory
Resting the NONE worms Resting the
Sagenosoma elsa NONE worms Sagenosoma elsa
Samia cynthia NONE worms Samia cynthia
Sandy creek bank dense vegetation surrounded by forest NONE worms Sandy creek bank dense vegetation surrounded by forest
Scrub oak NONE worms Scrub oak
Sitotroga cerealella NONE worms Sitotroga cerealella
Smerinthus saliceti NONE worms Smerinthus saliceti
Sphecodina abbottii NONE worms Sphecodina abbottii
Sphinx canadensis NONE worms Sphinx canadensis
Sphinx chersis NONE worms Sphinx chersis
Sphinx drupiferarum NONE worms Sphinx drupiferarum
Sphinx franckii NONE worms Sphinx franckii
Sphinx gordius NONE worms Sphinx gordius
Sphinx kalmiae NONE worms Sphinx kalmiae
Sphinx luscitiosa NONE worms Sphinx luscitiosa
Sphinx poecila NONE worms Sphinx poecila
Sphinx sequoiae NONE worms Sphinx sequoiae
Taken away ambush bug swamp milkweed NONE worms Taken away ambush bug swamp milkweed
The ground NONE worms The ground
Thorybes pylades NONE worms Thorybes pylades
Thymelicus lineola NONE worms Thymelicus lineola