
providedExternalId providedName relationName resolvedCatalogName resolvedName resolvedAuthorship resolvedRank resolvedExternalUrl
Acanthocephala HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME pbdb Acanthocephala J. Zrzavy and S. Mihulka 1998 unranked clade
Acari SYNONYM_OF pbdb Arachnida J. J., Jr. Sepkoski 2002 class
Acari SYNONYM_OF pbdb Arachnida J. J., Jr. Sepkoski 2002 class
Acoleidae NONE pbdb Acoleidae
Acuariidae NONE pbdb Acuariidae
Adelina HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME pbdb Adelina P. Bouchard and Y. Bousquet 2011 subtribe
Aetheca thamba NONE pbdb Aetheca thamba
Aetheca wagneri NONE pbdb Aetheca wagneri
Aetheca wagneri NONE pbdb Aetheca wagneri
Alaria americana NONE pbdb Alaria americana
Alaria SYNONYM_OF pbdb Dicroloma J. J., Jr. Sepkoski 2002 genus
Alaria arisaemoides NONE pbdb Alaria arisaemoides
Alaria canis NONE pbdb Alaria canis
Alaria SYNONYM_OF pbdb Dicroloma J. J., Jr. Sepkoski 2002 genus
Alaria marcianae NONE pbdb Alaria marcianae
Alaria minuta NONE pbdb Alaria minuta
Alaria mustelae NONE pbdb Alaria mustelae
Alaria taxideae NONE pbdb Alaria taxideae
Alcataenia NONE pbdb Alcataenia
Alcataenia armillaris NONE pbdb Alcataenia armillaris
Alcataenia armillaris NONE pbdb Alcataenia armillaris
Alcataenia campylacantha NONE pbdb Alcataenia campylacantha
Alcataenia cerorhincae NONE pbdb Alcataenia cerorhincae
Alcataenia fraterculae NONE pbdb Alcataenia fraterculae
Alcataenia larina NONE pbdb Alcataenia larina
Alcataenia longicervica NONE pbdb Alcataenia longicervica
Alcataenia meinertzhageni NONE pbdb Alcataenia meinertzhageni
Alcataenia micracantha NONE pbdb Alcataenia micracantha
Alcataenia pygmaeus NONE pbdb Alcataenia pygmaeus
Allobilharzia visceralis NONE pbdb Allobilharzia visceralis
Alproma NONE pbdb Alproma
Amalaraeus NONE pbdb Amalaraeus
Amalaraeus dissimilis NONE pbdb Amalaraeus dissimilis
Amalaraeus dissimilis dissimilis NONE pbdb Amalaraeus dissimilis dissimilis
Amaradix euphorbi NONE pbdb Amaradix euphorbi
Amonopsyllus ciliatus protinus NONE pbdb Amonopsyllus ciliatus protinus
Amorphacarus hengererorum NONE pbdb Amorphacarus hengererorum
Amphalius runatus necopinus NONE pbdb Amphalius runatus necopinus
Amphimerus NONE pbdb Amphimerus
Amphipoda HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME pbdb Amphipoda J. J., Jr. Sepkoski 2002 order
Amphipsylla marikovskii NONE pbdb Amphipsylla marikovskii
Amphipsylla marikovskii ewingi NONE pbdb Amphipsylla marikovskii ewingi
Amphipsylla sibirica pollionis NONE pbdb Amphipsylla sibirica pollionis
Ancylostomatidae NONE pbdb Ancylostomatidae
Andracantha mergi NONE pbdb Andracantha mergi
Andracantha phalacrocoracis NONE pbdb Andracantha phalacrocoracis
Androlaelaps fahrenholzi NONE pbdb Androlaelaps fahrenholzi
Andrya NONE pbdb Andrya
Andrya arctica NONE pbdb Andrya arctica
Andrya macrocephala NONE pbdb Andrya macrocephala
Anenterotrema auritum NONE pbdb Anenterotrema auritum
Anenterotrema freitasi NONE pbdb Anenterotrema freitasi
Anenterotrema stunkardi NONE pbdb Anenterotrema stunkardi
Anisakidae NONE pbdb Anisakidae
Anisakis NONE pbdb Anisakis
Anomiopsyllus NONE pbdb Anomiopsyllus
Anomiopsyllus novomexicanensis NONE pbdb Anomiopsyllus novomexicanensis
Anomiopsyllus nudatus NONE pbdb Anomiopsyllus nudatus
Anomiopsyllus nudatus mexicanus NONE pbdb Anomiopsyllus nudatus mexicanus
Anomotaenia NONE pbdb Anomotaenia
Anonchotaenia NONE pbdb Anonchotaenia
Anophryocephalus nunivakensis NONE pbdb Anophryocephalus nunivakensis
Anoplocephala NONE pbdb Anoplocephala
Anoplocephalidae NONE pbdb Anoplocephalidae
Anoplocephaloides NONE pbdb Anoplocephaloides
Anoplocephaloides kontrimavichusi NONE pbdb Anoplocephaloides kontrimavichusi
Anoplocephaloides lemmi NONE pbdb Anoplocephaloides lemmi
Anoplura HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME pbdb Anoplura W. E. Leach 1815 suborder
Anserobilharzia brantae NONE pbdb Anserobilharzia brantae
Aonchotheca NONE pbdb Aonchotheca
Apatemon NONE pbdb Apatemon
Apatemon burti NONE pbdb Apatemon burti
Apatemon gracilis NONE pbdb Apatemon gracilis
Apharyngostrigea NONE pbdb Apharyngostrigea
Apharyngostrigea cornu NONE pbdb Apharyngostrigea cornu
Apicomplexa HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME pbdb Apicomplexa L. Margulis 1996 phylum
Aploparaxis NONE pbdb Aploparaxis
Apophallus NONE pbdb Apophallus
Aporchis continuus NONE pbdb Aporchis continuus
Arhythmorhynchus NONE pbdb Arhythmorhynchus
Arhythmorhynchus brevis NONE pbdb Arhythmorhynchus brevis
Arhythmorhynchus duocinctus NONE pbdb Arhythmorhynchus duocinctus
Arostrilepis NONE pbdb Arostrilepis
Arostrilepis beringiensis NONE pbdb Arostrilepis beringiensis
Arostrilepis cooki NONE pbdb Arostrilepis cooki
Arostrilepis gardneri NONE pbdb Arostrilepis gardneri
Arostrilepis gulyaevi NONE pbdb Arostrilepis gulyaevi
Arostrilepis insperata NONE pbdb Arostrilepis insperata
Arostrilepis intermedia NONE pbdb Arostrilepis intermedia
Arostrilepis janickii NONE pbdb Arostrilepis janickii
Arostrilepis kontrimavichusi NONE pbdb Arostrilepis kontrimavichusi
Arostrilepis macrocirrosa NONE pbdb Arostrilepis macrocirrosa
Arostrilepis microtis NONE pbdb Arostrilepis microtis
Arostrilepis rauschorum NONE pbdb Arostrilepis rauschorum
Arostrilepis tenuicirrosa NONE pbdb Arostrilepis tenuicirrosa
Arthropoda HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME pbdb Arthropoda J. J., Jr. Sepkoski 2002 phylum
Ascaridae NONE pbdb Ascaridae
Ascaridia NONE pbdb Ascaridia
Ascaridida NONE pbdb Ascaridida
Ascarididae HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME pbdb Ascarididae G. O. Poinar 2011 family
Ascaris NONE pbdb Ascaris
Ascaris lumbricoides NONE pbdb Ascaris lumbricoides
Ascocotyle longa NONE pbdb Ascocotyle longa
Aspersentis NONE pbdb Aspersentis
Aspiculuris ackerti NONE pbdb Aspiculuris ackerti
Aspiculuris americana NONE pbdb Aspiculuris americana
Aspiculuris NONE pbdb Aspiculuris
Aspiculuris tetraptera NONE pbdb Aspiculuris tetraptera
Atriotaenia NONE pbdb Atriotaenia
Australapatemon NONE pbdb Australapatemon
Australapatemon burti NONE pbdb Australapatemon burti
Australapatemon canadensis NONE pbdb Australapatemon canadensis
Austrobilharzia NONE pbdb Austrobilharzia
Austrobilharzia variglandis NONE pbdb Austrobilharzia variglandis
Austrodiplostomum ostrowskiae NONE pbdb Austrodiplostomum ostrowskiae
Azygia angusticauda NONE pbdb Azygia angusticauda
Azygia hwangtsiyui NONE pbdb Azygia hwangtsiyui
Azygia longa NONE pbdb Azygia longa
Azygia susquehannae NONE pbdb Azygia susquehannae
Azygiida NONE pbdb Azygiida
Baruscapillaria obsignata NONE pbdb Baruscapillaria obsignata
Baylisascaris columnaris NONE pbdb Baylisascaris columnaris
Baylisascaris devosi NONE pbdb Baylisascaris devosi
Baylisascaris laevis NONE pbdb Baylisascaris laevis
Baylisascaris NONE pbdb Baylisascaris
Baylisascaris procyonis NONE pbdb Baylisascaris procyonis
Baylisascaris transfuga NONE pbdb Baylisascaris transfuga
Beringitaenia nanushukensis NONE pbdb Beringitaenia nanushukensis
Bivitellobilharzia loxodontae NONE pbdb Bivitellobilharzia loxodontae
Boehmiella wilsoni NONE pbdb Boehmiella wilsoni
Bolbosoma NONE pbdb Bolbosoma
Bothriocephalus acheilognathi NONE pbdb Bothriocephalus acheilognathi
Brachylaemus NONE pbdb Brachylaemus
Brachylaima NONE pbdb Brachylaima
Brachylaimidae NONE pbdb Brachylaimidae
Calicophoron NONE pbdb Calicophoron
Calicophoron microbothrium NONE pbdb Calicophoron microbothrium
Calicophoron phillerouxi NONE pbdb Calicophoron phillerouxi
Calicophoron raja NONE pbdb Calicophoron raja
Callistopsyllus deuterus NONE pbdb Callistopsyllus deuterus
Callistopsyllus terinus NONE pbdb Callistopsyllus terinus
Calodium hepaticum NONE pbdb Calodium hepaticum
Campulidae NONE pbdb Campulidae
Capillaria americana NONE pbdb Capillaria americana
Capillaria anatis NONE pbdb Capillaria anatis
Capillaria HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME pbdb Capillaria J. B. Waterhouse 2001 genus
Capillaria falconis NONE pbdb Capillaria falconis
Capillaria hepatica NONE pbdb Capillaria hepatica
Capillaria longistriata NONE pbdb Capillaria longistriata
Capillaria spinosa NONE pbdb Capillaria spinosa
Capillariidae NONE pbdb Capillariidae
Cardiocephalus medioconiger NONE pbdb Cardiocephalus medioconiger
Carmyerius NONE pbdb Carmyerius
Carmyerius exporus NONE pbdb Carmyerius exporus
Carmyerius gregarius NONE pbdb Carmyerius gregarius
Carmyerius mancupatus NONE pbdb Carmyerius mancupatus
Carolinensis dalrymplei NONE pbdb Carolinensis dalrymplei
Carymerius exporous NONE pbdb Carymerius exporous
Catallagia NONE pbdb Catallagia
Catallagia charlottensis NONE pbdb Catallagia charlottensis
Catallagia dacenkoi NONE pbdb Catallagia dacenkoi
Catallagia dacenkoi fulleri NONE pbdb Catallagia dacenkoi fulleri
Catallagia decipiens NONE pbdb Catallagia decipiens
Catallagia ioffi NONE pbdb Catallagia ioffi
Catallagia jellisoni NONE pbdb Catallagia jellisoni
Catallagia sculleni chamberlini NONE pbdb Catallagia sculleni chamberlini
Catallagia NONE pbdb Catallagia
Catalog number NONE pbdb Catalog number
Catalog number NONE pbdb Catalog number
Catalog number NONE pbdb Catalog number
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