
providedExternalId providedName relationName resolvedCatalogName resolvedName resolvedAuthorship resolvedRank resolvedExternalUrl
Kurodaia fulvofasciata HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME tpt Kurodaia fulvofasciata (Piaget, 1880) species
Kurodaia fulvofasciata SYNONYM_OF tpt Kurodaia fulvofasciata (Piaget, 1880) species
Otodectes cynotis HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME tpt Otodectes cynotis (Hering, 1838) species
Otodectes cynotis HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME tpt Franciscoloa pallida (Piaget, 1880) species
Otodectes cynotis HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME tpt Otodectes cynotis Hering, 1838 species
Rhynonirmus parsonsae HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME tpt Rhynonirmus parsonsae Clay, 1961 species
Oeciacus NONE tpt Oeciacus
Ornithoica NONE tpt Ornithoica
Lipoptena mazamae NONE tpt Lipoptena mazamae
Melophagus ovinus NONE tpt Melophagus ovinus
Oeciacus vicarius NONE tpt Oeciacus vicarius
Ornithoica vicina NONE tpt Ornithoica vicina
Brueelia HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME tpt Brueelia Bush, 2017 genus
Ceratophyllus HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME tpt Heleonomus cornutus (Rudow, 1866) species
Columbicola HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME tpt Columbicola Ewing, 1929 genus
Craspedorrhynchus HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME tpt Craspedorrhynchus von Kéler, 1938 genus
Degeeriella HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME tpt Degeeriella Neumann, 1906 genus
Doratopsylla HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME tpt Hohorstiella turturis Tendeiro, 1980 species
Icosta americana NONE tpt Icosta americana
Kurodaia HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME tpt Kurodaia Uchida, 1926 genus
Lipeurus squalidus SYNONYM_OF tpt Lipeurus caponis (Linnaeus, 1758) species
Lunaceps HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME tpt Lunaceps Clay & Meinertzhagen, 1939 genus
Philopterus HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME tpt Philopterus Nitzsch, 1818 genus
Strigiphilus HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME tpt Strigiphilus Mjoberg, 1910 genus
Trichodectes HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME tpt Trichodectes Nitzsch, 1818 genus
Arthropoda HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME tpt Myrsidea bonariensis Malcomson, 1929 species
Trinoton HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME tpt Trinoton Nitzsch, 1818 genus
Acari HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME tpt Haematopinus acuticeps Ferris, 1933 species
Actornithophilus totani HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME tpt Actornithophilus totani (Schrank, 1803) species
Carduiceps zonarius SYNONYM_OF tpt Carduiceps cingulatus (Denny, 1842) species
Carduiceps zonarius SYNONYM_OF tpt Carduiceps zonarius (Nitzsch, 1866) species
Ceratophyllus diffinis HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME tpt Hoplopleura mastacomydis Kuhn & Ludwig, 1966 species
Ceratophyllus idius HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME tpt Hoplopleura sembeli Durden, 1990 species
Ceratophyllus riparius HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME tpt Hoplopleura zelotomydis Johnson, 1960 species
Ceratophyllus riparius SYNONYM_OF tpt Schizophthirus sicistae Blagoveschtchensky, 1965 species
Conorhinopsylla stanfordi HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME tpt Anaticola coloratus (Piaget, 1880) species
Ctenocephalides canis HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME tpt Ardeicola keniensis Hajela & Tandan, 1967 species
Ctenocephalides felis HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME tpt Ardeicola pilgrimi Tandan, 1972 species
Ctenocephalides felis HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME tpt Ardeicola plataleae (Linnaeus, 1758) species
Ctenophthalmus pseudagyrtes HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME tpt Brueelia museiberolinensis (Eichler, 1957) species
Esthiopterum brevicephalus SYNONYM_OF tpt Esthiopterum brevicephalum (McGregor, 1917) species
Foxella ignotus SYNONYM_OF tpt Columbicola veigasimoni Tendeiro, 1967 species
Kurodaia acadicae HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME tpt Kurodaia acadicae Price & Beer, 1963 species
Kurodaia magna HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME tpt Kurodaia magna Emerson, 1960 species
Peromyscopsylla catatina HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME tpt Quadraceps junceus (Scopoli, 1763) species
Piagetiella peralis HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME tpt Piagetiella peralis (Leidy, 1878) species
Picicola orpheus HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME tpt Picicola orpheus (Osborn, 1896) species
Strigiphilus acadicus HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME tpt Strigiphilus acadicus Emerson & Price, 1973 species
Strigiphilus aitkeni HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME tpt Strigiphilus aitkeni Clay, 1966 species
Strigiphilus ceblebrachys HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME tpt Strigiphilus ceblebrachys (Denny, 1842) species
Strigiphilus ceblebrachys SYNONYM_OF tpt Strigiphilus ceblebrachys (Denny, 1842) species
Trichodectes canis HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME tpt Trichodectes canis (de Geer, 1778) species
Trichodectes canis SYNONYM_OF tpt Trichodectes canis (de Geer, 1778) species
Trichodectes canis SYNONYM_OF tpt Trichodectes canis (de Geer, 1778) species
Dermacentor NONE tpt Dermacentor
Coleoptera NONE tpt Coleoptera
Mesostigmata SYNONYM_OF tpt Pseudomenopon scopulacorne (Denny, 1842) species
Cediopsylla SYNONYM_OF tpt Meromenopon meropis Clay & Meinertzhagen, 1941 species
Dermanyssidae SYNONYM_OF tpt Psittacomenopon impar (Piaget, 1885) species
Ornithonyssus NONE tpt Ornithonyssus
Ornithodoros NONE tpt Ornithodoros
Ixodes NONE tpt Ixodes
Haemaphysalis NONE tpt Haemaphysalis
Acaridae SYNONYM_OF tpt Linognathus petasmatus Ferris, 1951 species
Dermanyssus NONE tpt Dermanyssus
Cediopsylla simplex NONE tpt Cediopsylla simplex
Dermanyssus gallinae HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME tpt Dermanyssus gallinae (De Geer, 1778) species
Dermanyssus gallinae HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME tpt Dermanyssus gallinae De Geer, 1778 species
Myrsidea interruptus SYNONYM_OF tpt Myrsidea interrupta (Osborn, 1896) species
Ornithomya fringillina NONE tpt Ornithomya fringillina
Mo feline NONE tpt Mo feline
Mo feline NONE tpt Mo feline
Mo Feline NONE tpt Mo Feline
Mo Feline Tabby NONE tpt Mo Feline Tabby
Mo Feline Tabby NONE tpt Mo Feline Tabby
Rhinonyssidae SYNONYM_OF tpt Trichodectes canis (de Geer, 1778) species
Actornithophilus umbrinus HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME tpt Actornithophilus umbrinus (Burmeister, 1838) species
Actornithophilus umbrinus SYNONYM_OF tpt Actornithophilus umbrinus (Burmeister, 1838) species
Actornithophilus umbrinus SYNONYM_OF tpt Actornithophilus umbrinus (Burmeister, 1838) species
Brueelia vulgata HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME tpt Brueelia vulgata (Kellogg, 1896) species
Brueelia zeropunctata HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME tpt Brueelia zeropunctata Ansari, 1957 species
Diptera NONE tpt Diptera
Phthiraptera NONE tpt Phthiraptera
Phthiraptera NONE tpt Phthiraptera
Phthiraptera NONE tpt Phthiraptera
Phthiraptera NONE tpt Phthiraptera
Siphonaptera HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME tpt Myrsidea breviterga Tandan & Clay, 1971 species
Siphonaptera HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME tpt Myrsidea breviterga Tandan & Clay, 1971 species
Anoplura NONE tpt Anoplura
Ceratophyllidae HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME tpt Ceratophyllidae Dampf, 1908 family
Hystrichopsyllidae HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME tpt Myrsidea chiapensis Zavaleta, 1944 species
Ischnopsyllidae HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME tpt Myrsidea cecilae Klockenhoff, 1972 species
Leptopsyllidae HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME tpt Myrsidea bubalornithis Klockenhoff, 1984 species
Pulicidae HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME tpt Myrsidea buxtoni Waterston, 1928 species
Haematopinidae HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME tpt Haematopinidae family
Menoponidae HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME tpt Menoponidae family
Orchopeas HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME tpt Menacanthus exsanguis (Paine & Mann, 1913) species
Philopteridae HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME tpt Philopteridae family
Pulex HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME tpt Menacanthus pallidulus (Neumann, 1912) species
Ricinidae HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME tpt Ricinidae family
Hippoboscidae NONE tpt Hippoboscidae
Orchopeas leucopus HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME tpt Philopterus garruli Boisduval & Lacordaire, 1835 species
Polyplax HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME tpt Polyplax Enderlein, 1904 genus
Enderleinellus longiceps SYNONYM_OF tpt Enderleinellus mexicanus Werneck, 1947 species
Haematopinus eurysternus SYNONYM_OF tpt Haematopinus gorgonis Werneck, 1952 species
Haematopinus suis HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME tpt Haematopinus suis (Linnaeus, 1758) species
Haematopinus suis SYNONYM_OF tpt Haematopinus suis (Linnaeus, 1758) species
Linognathus vituli SYNONYM_OF tpt Linognathus vituli (Linnaeus, 1758) species
Linognathus vituli SYNONYM_OF tpt Linognathus vituli (Linnaeus, 1758) species
Linognathus vituli HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME tpt Linognathus vituli (Linnaeus, 1758) species
Neohaematopinus sciurinus HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME tpt Neohaematopinus sciurinus (Mjoberg, 1910) species
Neohaematopinus sciurinus SYNONYM_OF tpt Neohaematopinus sciurinus (Mjoberg, 1910) species
Phthirus pubis NONE tpt Phthirus pubis
Acari HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME tpt Haematopinus acuticeps Ferris, 1933 species
Acarina NONE tpt Acarina
Accipitridae HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME tpt Accipitridae family
Coot NONE tpt Coot
American coot NONE tpt American coot
Big brown bat NONE tpt Big brown bat
Common flicker NONE tpt Common flicker
Coot NONE tpt Coot
Cottontail rabbit NONE tpt Cottontail rabbit
Cricket NONE tpt Cricket
Crow NONE tpt Crow
Female american coot NONE tpt Female american coot
Female blackbird NONE tpt Female blackbird
Female cottontail rabbit NONE tpt Female cottontail rabbit
Female grasshopper NONE tpt Female grasshopper
Female mallard NONE tpt Female mallard
Female muskrat NONE tpt Female muskrat
Female pigeon NONE tpt Female pigeon
Female red backed vole NONE tpt Female red backed vole
Caelifera NONE tpt Caelifera
Lesser yellowlegs NONE tpt Lesser yellowlegs
Male american coot NONE tpt Male american coot
Male NONE tpt Male
Male avocet NONE tpt Male avocet
Male coot NONE tpt Male coot
Male cottontail rabbit NONE tpt Male cottontail rabbit
Male eastern cottontail NONE tpt Male eastern cottontail
Male grasshopper NONE tpt Male grasshopper
Male mallard NONE tpt Male mallard
Male muskrat NONE tpt Male muskrat
Male pigeon NONE tpt Male pigeon
Male swainsons thrush NONE tpt Male swainsons thrush
Male thrush NONE tpt Male thrush
Pigeon NONE tpt Pigeon
Sylvilagus floridanus HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME tpt Sylvilagus floridanus species
American NONE tpt American
Amphipsyllidae NONE tpt Amphipsyllidae
Amyrsida megalosoma NONE tpt Amyrsida megalosoma
Analges chelopus HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME tpt Analges chelopus (Hermann, 1804) species
Analges chelopus HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME tpt Analges chelopus Hermann, 1804 species
Analgesidae NONE tpt Analgesidae
Anas platyrhynchos HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME tpt Anas platyrhynchos species
Anaticola crossicornis NONE tpt Anaticola crossicornis
Umbrinis NONE tpt Umbrinis
Umbrinis NONE tpt Umbrinis
Umbrinus NONE tpt Umbrinus
Avocet NONE tpt Avocet
Bald NONE tpt Bald
Baltimore oriole NONE tpt Baltimore oriole
Bank swallow NONE tpt Bank swallow
Bank NONE tpt Bank
Barn swallow NONE tpt Barn swallow
Barn swallow NONE tpt Barn swallow
Barn NONE tpt Barn
Barred owl NONE tpt Barred owl
Barred NONE tpt Barred
Beaver NONE tpt Beaver
Beaver NONE tpt Beaver
Bird NONE tpt Bird
Blackbird NONE tpt Blackbird
Bluebird NONE tpt Bluebird
Blue jay NONE tpt Blue jay
Bluejay NONE tpt Bluejay
Blue NONE tpt Blue
Broad winged hawk NONE tpt Broad winged hawk
Broad NONE tpt Broad
Broad wing hawk NONE tpt Broad wing hawk
Broadwing NONE tpt Broadwing
Broad NONE tpt Broad
Broad NONE tpt Broad
Bronzed grackle NONE tpt Bronzed grackle
Brood winged hawk NONE tpt Brood winged hawk
Brown NONE tpt Brown
Brown thrasher NONE tpt Brown thrasher
Brown NONE tpt Brown
Calf NONE tpt Calf
Calf NONE tpt Calf
Canis lupus HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME tpt Canis lupus species
Carrion beetle NONE tpt Carrion beetle
Castor canadensis HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME tpt Castor canadensis species
Catbird NONE tpt Catbird
Cedar waxed wing NONE tpt Cedar waxed wing
Cedar wax wing NONE tpt Cedar wax wing
Chipping sparrow NONE tpt Chipping sparrow
Cimicidae NONE tpt Cimicidae
Clam NONE tpt Clam
Common flicker NONE tpt Common flicker
Coopers hawk NONE tpt Coopers hawk
Cooper NONE tpt Cooper
Coopers NONE tpt Coopers
Coot NONE tpt Coot
Coot NONE tpt Coot
Cottontail NONE tpt Cottontail
Cottontail rabbit NONE tpt Cottontail rabbit
Cottontail rabbit roadkill NONE tpt Cottontail rabbit roadkill
Cottontail rabbits NONE tpt Cottontail rabbits
Cowbird NONE tpt Cowbird
Cowbird NONE tpt Cowbird
Coyote NONE tpt Coyote
Crow NONE tpt Crow
Culex NONE tpt Culex
Dark eyed junco NONE tpt Dark eyed junco
Deer NONE tpt Deer
Degeeriella HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME tpt Degeeriella Neumann, 1906 genus
Digeeriella NONE tpt Digeeriella
Dog NONE tpt Dog
Dolichopsyllidae NONE tpt Dolichopsyllidae
Domestic cat NONE tpt Domestic cat
Domestic NONE tpt Domestic
Domestic rabbit NONE tpt Domestic rabbit
Eastern bluebird NONE tpt Eastern bluebird
Eastern cottontail NONE tpt Eastern cottontail
Eastern kingbird NONE tpt Eastern kingbird
Ermine NONE tpt Ermine
Evening grosbeak NONE tpt Evening grosbeak
Feline NONE tpt Feline
Feline NONE tpt Feline
Felis catus HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME tpt Felis catus species
Felis catus HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME tpt Felis catus species
Felis domestica NONE tpt Felis domestica
Female human NONE tpt Female human
Female bluejay NONE tpt Female bluejay
Female chicken NONE tpt Female chicken
Female NONE tpt Female
Female evening grosbeak NONE tpt Female evening grosbeak
Female gray squirrel NONE tpt Female gray squirrel
Female mallard NONE tpt Female mallard
Female oppossum NONE tpt Female oppossum
Female perch NONE tpt Female perch
Female pigeon NONE tpt Female pigeon
Female red crossbill NONE tpt Female red crossbill
Female red fox kit NONE tpt Female red fox kit
Female wood thrush NONE tpt Female wood thrush
Female yellow shafted flicker NONE tpt Female yellow shafted flicker
Feral NONE tpt Feral
Flycatcher NONE tpt Flycatcher
Fox NONE tpt Fox
Fox squirrel NONE tpt Fox squirrel
Fruit NONE tpt Fruit
Golden NONE tpt Golden
Grackle NONE tpt Grackle
Caelifera NONE tpt Caelifera
Gray cheeked thrush NONE tpt Gray cheeked thrush
Gray squirrel NONE tpt Gray squirrel
Gray squirrel NONE tpt Gray squirrel
Greater yellowlegs NONE tpt Greater yellowlegs
Greater NONE tpt Greater
Great horned owl NONE tpt Great horned owl
Great horned owl NONE tpt Great horned owl
Great NONE tpt Great
Great NONE tpt Great
Great NONE tpt Great
Green NONE tpt Green
Green winged teal NONE tpt Green winged teal
Grey owl NONE tpt Grey owl
Harpirhynchidae SYNONYM_OF tpt Haematomyzus elephantis Piaget, 1869 species
Harvestman spider NONE tpt Harvestman spider
Hippobosicidae NONE tpt Hippobosicidae
Hog nose sucker NONE tpt Hog nose sucker
House mouse NONE tpt House mouse
House wren NONE tpt House wren
House NONE tpt House
Human NONE tpt Human
Human NONE tpt Human
Americanus NONE tpt Americanus
House wren NONE tpt House wren
Sora rail NONE tpt Sora rail
Junco HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME tpt Junco genus
Junebug NONE tpt Junebug
Female cat NONE tpt Female cat
Female swainsons thrush NONE tpt Female swainsons thrush
Male lesser scaup NONE tpt Male lesser scaup
Male swainsons thrush NONE tpt Male swainsons thrush
Robin NONE tpt Robin
Kestrel NONE tpt Kestrel
Kestrel NONE tpt Kestrel
Lesser yellowlegs NONE tpt Lesser yellowlegs
Lesser yellowlegs NONE tpt Lesser yellowlegs
Lesser NONE tpt Lesser
Phthiraptera NONE tpt Phthiraptera
Male NONE tpt Male
Male black capped chickadee NONE tpt Male black capped chickadee
Male canadian goose NONE tpt Male canadian goose
Male catbird NONE tpt Male catbird
Male cottontail rabbit NONE tpt Male cottontail rabbit
Male evening grosbeak NONE tpt Male evening grosbeak
Male grackle NONE tpt Male grackle
Male gray squirrel NONE tpt Male gray squirrel
Male mallard NONE tpt Male mallard
Male muskrat NONE tpt Male muskrat
Male painted turtle NONE tpt Male painted turtle
Male purple finch NONE tpt Male purple finch
Male red winged blackbird NONE tpt Male red winged blackbird
Male western sandpiper NONE tpt Male western sandpiper
Mallard NONE tpt Mallard
Mallophaga NONE tpt Mallophaga
Man NONE tpt Man
Mature female crow NONE tpt Mature female crow
Mature male rabbit NONE tpt Mature male rabbit
Meadow vole NONE tpt Meadow vole
Meadow NONE tpt Meadow
Menoponidae HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME tpt Menoponidae family
Microtus HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME tpt Microtus genus
Microtus pennsylvanicus HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME tpt Microtus pennsylvanicus species
Mink NONE tpt Mink
Mite NONE tpt Mite
Mite NONE tpt Mite
Mole NONE tpt Mole
Moth NONE tpt Moth
Mourning dove NONE tpt Mourning dove
Muskrat NONE tpt Muskrat
Myotis lucifigus NONE tpt Myotis lucifigus
Myrsidea cucullaris HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME tpt Myrsidea cucullaris (Nitzsch, 1818) species
Northern NONE tpt Northern
Nycteribiids philippine NONE tpt Nycteribiids philippine
Opossum NONE tpt Opossum
Opposum NONE tpt Opposum
Orchopeas wickhami NONE tpt Orchopeas wickhami
Osprey NONE tpt Osprey
Osprey NONE tpt Osprey
Ossified grackle NONE tpt Ossified grackle
Oven bird NONE tpt Oven bird
Oven bird warbler NONE tpt Oven bird warbler
Owl NONE tpt Owl
Pectoral NONE tpt Pectoral
Pectoral sandpiper NONE tpt Pectoral sandpiper
Pectoral NONE tpt Pectoral
Pelican NONE tpt Pelican
Pelican NONE tpt Pelican
Peregrine NONE tpt Peregrine
Philadelphia vireo NONE tpt Philadelphia vireo
Philopteridae HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME tpt Philopteridae family
Phoebe NONE tpt Phoebe
Phthiraptera NONE tpt Phthiraptera
Phthiraptera NONE tpt Phthiraptera
Phthiraptera NONE tpt Phthiraptera
Phthiraptera NONE tpt Phthiraptera
Phthiraptera NONE tpt Phthiraptera
Pigeon NONE tpt Pigeon
Pigeon NONE tpt Pigeon
Pig NONE tpt Pig
Pig NONE tpt Pig
Pocket gopher NONE tpt Pocket gopher
Porcupine NONE tpt Porcupine
Poultry NONE tpt Poultry
Poultry NONE tpt Poultry
Prairie chicken NONE tpt Prairie chicken
Prairie falcon NONE tpt Prairie falcon
Proctophyllodidae HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME tpt Anaticola tamarae Eichler, 1981 species
Psychodidae NONE tpt Psychodidae
Purple finch NONE tpt Purple finch
Qaudraceps falcigerus NONE tpt Qaudraceps falcigerus
Falcigerus NONE tpt Falcigerus
Falciperus NONE tpt Falciperus
Quadraceps falcigerus HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME tpt Quadraceps falcigerus (Peters, 1931) species
Rabbit NONE tpt Rabbit
Rabbit NONE tpt Rabbit
Raccoon NONE tpt Raccoon
Raccoon NONE tpt Raccoon
Rat NONE tpt Rat
Red backed vole NONE tpt Red backed vole
Red fox NONE tpt Red fox
Red headed woodpecker NONE tpt Red headed woodpecker
Red squirrel NONE tpt Red squirrel
Red NONE tpt Red
Redtailed hawk NONE tpt Redtailed hawk
Redtailed hawk NONE tpt Redtailed hawk
Red tailed NONE tpt Red tailed
Red tailed NONE tpt Red tailed
Red NONE tpt Red
Red NONE tpt Red
Red NONE tpt Red
Red tail hawk NONE tpt Red tail hawk
Red NONE tpt Red
Red NONE tpt Red
Redwing blackbird NONE tpt Redwing blackbird
Redwing blackbird NONE tpt Redwing blackbird
Red winged blackbird NONE tpt Red winged blackbird
Robin NONE tpt Robin
Rose breasted grosbeak NONE tpt Rose breasted grosbeak
Rough NONE tpt Rough
Ruffed grouse NONE tpt Ruffed grouse
Sandhill crane NONE tpt Sandhill crane
Sandhill NONE tpt Sandhill
Saw whet owl NONE tpt Saw whet owl
Saw NONE tpt Saw
Screech NONE tpt Screech
Semipalmated sandpiper NONE tpt Semipalmated sandpiper
Semipalmated NONE tpt Semipalmated
Sheep NONE tpt Sheep
Sheep NONE tpt Sheep
Short NONE tpt Short
Short tail shrew NONE tpt Short tail shrew
Snowshoe hare NONE tpt Snowshoe hare
Snowshoe NONE tpt Snowshoe
Snowy owl NONE tpt Snowy owl
Snowy NONE tpt Snowy
Songbird NONE tpt Songbird
Song sparrow NONE tpt Song sparrow
Sparrow NONE tpt Sparrow
Sparrow hawk NONE tpt Sparrow hawk
Starling NONE tpt Starling
Strigiphilus HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME tpt Strigiphilus Mjoberg, 1910 genus
Swainsons thrush NONE tpt Swainsons thrush
Swainson NONE tpt Swainson
Swainson thrush NONE tpt Swainson thrush
Swallow NONE tpt Swallow
Swallow NONE tpt Swallow
Swan NONE tpt Swan
Sylvilagus floridanus HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME tpt Sylvilagus floridanus species
Sylvilagus floridemus NONE tpt Sylvilagus floridemus
Syringobiidae HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME tpt Strigiphilus bramae (Qadri, 1935) species
Tabby cat yo NONE tpt Tabby cat yo
Tabby cat female NONE tpt Tabby cat female
Tabbycat female NONE tpt Tabbycat female
Tabby NONE tpt Tabby
Tabby NONE tpt Tabby
Tennessee warbler NONE tpt Tennessee warbler
Timber NONE tpt Timber
Tree swallow NONE tpt Tree swallow
Trichodectidae SYNONYM_OF tpt Pectenosoma angusta Carriker, 1936 species
Trichopsella NONE tpt Trichopsella
Turdus migratorius HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME tpt Turdus migratorius species
Turkey vulture NONE tpt Turkey vulture
Turkey NONE tpt Turkey
Wolf NONE tpt Wolf
Unossified grackle NONE tpt Unossified grackle
| | | | Uwsp | Para | Ee677 d be cff5c2cc949c | UWSP P | a95a1 fc79 fbc aee2 a92ea14724 NONE tpt a95a1 fc79 fbc aee2 a92ea14724
| | | | Uwsp | Para | Ee677 d be cff5c2cc949c | UWSP P | d3bcf9 e4b1 b0 b9ba dde1daef1eab NONE tpt d3bcf9 e4b1 b0 b9ba dde1daef1eab
| | | | Uwsp | Para | Ee677 d be cff5c2cc949c | UWSP P | d3b9de ac7d b83950299e7 NONE tpt d3b9de ac7d b83950299e7
| | | | Uwsp | Para | Ee677 d be cff5c2cc949c | UWSP P | e2b f97d2c93 NONE tpt e2b f97d2c93
| | | | Uwsp | Para | Ee677 d be cff5c2cc949c | UWSP P | a7656d13 cd59 e f75 ea40bcb442b NONE tpt a7656d13 cd59 e f75 ea40bcb442b
| | | | Uwsp | Para | Ee677 d be cff5c2cc949c | UWSP P | Ff588186 b b080 d6e19c674c9 NONE tpt Ff588186 b b080 d6e19c674c9
| | | | Uwsp | Para | Ee677 d be cff5c2cc949c | UWSP P | c24a0e cdb5 f73 e fd65df019e9c NONE tpt c24a0e cdb5 f73 e fd65df019e9c
| | | | Uwsp | Para | Ee677 d be cff5c2cc949c | UWSP P | b8d6c c6 e5 f f5ce911551e NONE tpt b8d6c c6 e5 f f5ce911551e
| | | | Uwsp | Para | Ee677 d be cff5c2cc949c | UWSP P | c046f946 bc2 f6 c56 fb708370c45 NONE tpt c046f946 bc2 f6 c56 fb708370c45
| | | | Uwsp | Para | Ee677 d be cff5c2cc949c | UWSP P | Ad96f5b9 d5 d dabdbce3344 NONE tpt Ad96f5b9 d5 d dabdbce3344
| | | | Uwsp | Para | Ee677 d be cff5c2cc949c | UWSP P | Ae6ed ce14 b8 afcc aa6cc0334c NONE tpt Ae6ed ce14 b8 afcc aa6cc0334c
| | | | Uwsp | Para | Ee677 d be cff5c2cc949c | UWSP P | f2e1e6b a6d9 ca f83 d0120e9f631 NONE tpt f2e1e6b a6d9 ca f83 d0120e9f631
| | | | Uwsp | Para | Ee677 d be cff5c2cc949c | UWSP P | d25e47f0 db7c b1 e6a20273b4 NONE tpt d25e47f0 db7c b1 e6a20273b4
| | | | Uwsp | Para | Ee677 d be cff5c2cc949c | UWSP P | Cc9f c b7e1 c3561 NONE tpt Cc9f c b7e1 c3561
| | | | Uwsp | Para | Ee677 d be cff5c2cc949c | UWSP P | a90eaa9f c43 bd a6c7 abc34c990086 NONE tpt a90eaa9f c43 bd a6c7 abc34c990086
| | | | Uwsp | Para | Ee677 d be cff5c2cc949c | UWSP P | Fb2681aa b3f a bed28301fa4a NONE tpt Fb2681aa b3f a bed28301fa4a
| | | | Uwsp | Para | Ee677 d be cff5c2cc949c | UWSP P | a1a44a eb b1 aae a NONE tpt a1a44a eb b1 aae a
| | | | Uwsp | Para | Ee677 d be cff5c2cc949c | UWSP P | e7d02e7b aa4 fa7 ff94d8128 NONE tpt e7d02e7b aa4 fa7 ff94d8128
| | | | Uwsp | Para | Ee677 d be cff5c2cc949c | UWSP P | e058aba dea a979 ebe51331b4 NONE tpt e058aba dea a979 ebe51331b4
| | | | Uwsp | Para | Ee677 d be cff5c2cc949c | UWSP P | Cea243a c6ba f bf1 fbb347f67f67 NONE tpt Cea243a c6ba f bf1 fbb347f67f67
| | | | Uwsp | Para | Ee677 d be cff5c2cc949c | UWSP P | d4178a49 f f4 a25c be7504852dd NONE tpt d4178a49 f f4 a25c be7504852dd
| | | | Uwsp | Para | Ee677 d be cff5c2cc949c | UWSP P | e7ce7509 c6cd e3f b02 c6740d08523 NONE tpt e7ce7509 c6cd e3f b02 c6740d08523
| | | | Uwsp | Para | Ee677 d be cff5c2cc949c | UWSP P | Bf22473 ab0a cec af30 df52154ad9 NONE tpt Bf22473 ab0a cec af30 df52154ad9
| | | | Uwsp | Para | Ee677 d be cff5c2cc949c | UWSP P | Aacdb009 a6 b73 fb27ef18c NONE tpt Aacdb009 a6 b73 fb27ef18c
| | | | Uwsp | Para | Ee677 d be cff5c2cc949c | UWSP P | c1346b07 f4 d4c bda57c1de NONE tpt c1346b07 f4 d4c bda57c1de
| | | | Uwsp | Para | Ee677 d be cff5c2cc949c | UWSP P | c7b f5b6 ebb d dcb81293f13 NONE tpt c7b f5b6 ebb d dcb81293f13
| | | | Uwsp | Para | Ee677 d be cff5c2cc949c | UWSP P | Eb39 d bbded4b5662d NONE tpt Eb39 d bbded4b5662d
| | | | Uwsp | Para | Ee677 d be cff5c2cc949c | UWSP P | Fe46ebf2 c3 fdf aa21 f7e82bcf NONE tpt Fe46ebf2 c3 fdf aa21 f7e82bcf
| | | | Uwsp | Para | Ee677 d be cff5c2cc949c | UWSP P | Ad41a8 bc79 b300 d3f0ea8030b NONE tpt Ad41a8 bc79 b300 d3f0ea8030b
| | | | Uwsp | Para | Ee677 d be cff5c2cc949c | UWSP P | Faec3 e57 bf2 bce0 c2d4d94964f NONE tpt Faec3 e57 bf2 bce0 c2d4d94964f
| | | | Uwsp | Para | Ee677 d be cff5c2cc949c | UWSP P | Ecb34803 f ad5 b8b8 ce2d80c5d09 NONE tpt Ecb34803 f ad5 b8b8 ce2d80c5d09
| | | | Uwsp | Para | Ee677 d be cff5c2cc949c | UWSP P | b086bf89 eaf d2d b5be bd4c NONE tpt b086bf89 eaf d2d b5be bd4c
| | | | Uwsp | Para | Ee677 d be cff5c2cc949c | UWSP P | a3575 cec5 c69 a f07b8e80932 NONE tpt a3575 cec5 c69 a f07b8e80932
| | | | Uwsp | Para | Ee677 d be cff5c2cc949c | UWSP P | Eff NONE tpt Eff
| | | | Uwsp | Para | Ee677 d be cff5c2cc949c | UWSP P | c2bbb85 ead d3 ff6d3648369 NONE tpt c2bbb85 ead d3 ff6d3648369
| | | | Uwsp | Para | Ee677 d be cff5c2cc949c | UWSP P | Dc34d91 fbc6 d6 ade2 bb68534 NONE tpt Dc34d91 fbc6 d6 ade2 bb68534
| | | | Uwsp | Para | Ee677 d be cff5c2cc949c | UWSP P | f4106ab0 f5 af8 afaa1103f670 NONE tpt f4106ab0 f5 af8 afaa1103f670
| | | | Uwsp | Para | Ee677 d be cff5c2cc949c | UWSP P | b1253c79 d6 b21 c9a8d66fa0 NONE tpt b1253c79 d6 b21 c9a8d66fa0
| | | | Uwsp | Para | Ee677 d be cff5c2cc949c | UWSP P | e3e575e ddde b6 b1e ca5d33a78693 NONE tpt e3e575e ddde b6 b1e ca5d33a78693
| | | | Uwsp | Para | Ee677 d be cff5c2cc949c | UWSP P | Ff4a8c72 c4 e3 f3838783ba5 NONE tpt Ff4a8c72 c4 e3 f3838783ba5
| | | | Uwsp | Para | Ee677 d be cff5c2cc949c | UWSP P | c536f4e3 dd67 fc b2d4 c43068a05 NONE tpt c536f4e3 dd67 fc b2d4 c43068a05
| | | | Uwsp | Para | Ee677 d be cff5c2cc949c | UWSP P | f45323b c674 a15 ba58 d5b6429a6 NONE tpt f45323b c674 a15 ba58 d5b6429a6
| | | | Uwsp | Para | Ee677 d be cff5c2cc949c | UWSP P | Acc5535 daf bb6 a729 f7e61e334950 NONE tpt Acc5535 daf bb6 a729 f7e61e334950
| | | | Uwsp | Para | Ee677 d be cff5c2cc949c | UWSP P | e5758 dcd aa48 d725a2405 NONE tpt e5758 dcd aa48 d725a2405
| | | | Uwsp | Para | Ee677 d be cff5c2cc949c | UWSP P | Dc468 ffcd c82 b6da b4889a46120 NONE tpt Dc468 ffcd c82 b6da b4889a46120
| | | | Uwsp | Para | Ee677 d be cff5c2cc949c | UWSP P | Fb09b4 d3 d6dbb58f5657 NONE tpt Fb09b4 d3 d6dbb58f5657
| | | | Uwsp | Para | Ee677 d be cff5c2cc949c | UWSP P | f25d9a2c e7d c bc77 a15e05113680 NONE tpt f25d9a2c e7d c bc77 a15e05113680
| | | | Uwsp | Para | Ee677 d be cff5c2cc949c | UWSP P | Ab c01 c87 a937 aa6f0551 NONE tpt Ab c01 c87 a937 aa6f0551
| | | | Uwsp | Para | Ee677 d be cff5c2cc949c | UWSP P | b61ee8f e97 b54 d5 eff5e4 NONE tpt b61ee8f e97 b54 d5 eff5e4
| | | | Uwsp | Para | Ee677 d be cff5c2cc949c | UWSP P | Dae1cded aa8 ae3e ff0628dfa2c NONE tpt Dae1cded aa8 ae3e ff0628dfa2c
| | | | Uwsp | Para | Ee677 d be cff5c2cc949c | UWSP P | b26c f1d7 de6 b2946c9d7d88 NONE tpt b26c f1d7 de6 b2946c9d7d88
| | | | Uwsp | Para | Ee677 d be cff5c2cc949c | UWSP P | c595e07 f aed7 a839030430 NONE tpt c595e07 f aed7 a839030430
| | | | Uwsp | Para | Ee677 d be cff5c2cc949c | UWSP P | b338387 ff a8ef f46319769487 NONE tpt b338387 ff a8ef f46319769487
| | | | Uwsp | Para | Ee677 d be cff5c2cc949c | UWSP P | e971324a f fc f2 b24c0b854 NONE tpt e971324a f fc f2 b24c0b854
| | | | Uwsp | Para | Ee677 d be cff5c2cc949c | UWSP P | d0416 b7 b22 b337 b021ce1f401f NONE tpt d0416 b7 b22 b337 b021ce1f401f
| | | | Uwsp | Para | Ee677 d be cff5c2cc949c | UWSP P | a9eaf436 d073 d1f bb28 bc6768178 NONE tpt a9eaf436 d073 d1f bb28 bc6768178
| | | | Uwsp | Para | Ee677 d be cff5c2cc949c | UWSP P | Da32f1be e35f e9 f045e588abee NONE tpt Da32f1be e35f e9 f045e588abee
| | | | Uwsp | Para | Ee677 d be cff5c2cc949c | UWSP P | e468dc f159 ce b a605ad NONE tpt e468dc f159 ce b a605ad
| | | | Uwsp | Para | Ee677 d be cff5c2cc949c | UWSP P | c5b01b fd8f cd7 a38 b7c9049039c7 NONE tpt c5b01b fd8f cd7 a38 b7c9049039c7
| | | | Uwsp | Para | Ee677 d be cff5c2cc949c | UWSP P | d016e eb db10c00fca3f NONE tpt d016e eb db10c00fca3f