A Review of Biotic Interactions and Taxon Names Found in globalbioticinteractions/yale-peabody

by Nomer and Elton, two naive review bots

[email protected]





Life on Earth is sustained by complex interactions between organisms and their environment. These biotic interactions can be captured in datasets and published digitally. We present a review process of such an openly accessible digital interactions dataset of known origin, and discuss its outcome. The dataset under review, named globalbioticinteractions/yale-peabody, is 459MiB in size and contains 281,978 interaction with 9 unique types of associations (e.g., adjacentTo) between 8,094 primary taxon (e.g., undet. Foraminiferida) and 139,393 associated taxon (e.g., rocks). The report includes detailed summaries of interactions data as well as a taxonomic review from multiple catalogs.


Data Review

Data review can be a time consuming process, especially when done manually. This review report aims to help facilitate data review of species interaction claims made in datasets registered with Global Biotic Interactions (Poelen, Simons, and Mungall 2014). The review includes summary statistics of, and observations about, the dataset under review:

Botany Division, Yale Peabody Museum - Version 396.3210 http://ipt.peabody.yale.edu/archive.do?r=ypm-bot 2025-02-01T18:38:29.709Z 7bde287a1fbb7bd2f487a506b9059a9f3bf6da9281cef0f5c033cb3d0f5a63eb Entomology Division, Yale Peabody Museum - Version 395.3116 http://ipt.peabody.yale.edu/archive.do?r=ypm-ent 2025-02-01T18:38:29.709Z 7bde287a1fbb7bd2f487a506b9059a9f3bf6da9281cef0f5c033cb3d0f5a63eb Invertebrate Paleontology Division, Yale Peabody Museum - Version 395.3148 http://ipt.peabody.yale.edu/archive.do?r=ypm-ip 2025-02-01T18:38:29.709Z 7bde287a1fbb7bd2f487a506b9059a9f3bf6da9281cef0f5c033cb3d0f5a63eb Invertebrate Zoology Division, Yale Peabody Museum - Version 395.3215 http://ipt.peabody.yale.edu/archive.do?r=ypm-iz 2025-02-01T18:38:29.709Z 7bde287a1fbb7bd2f487a506b9059a9f3bf6da9281cef0f5c033cb3d0f5a63eb Paleobotany Division, Yale Peabody Museum - Version 395.3193 http://ipt.peabody.yale.edu/archive.do?r=ypm-pb 2025-02-01T18:38:29.709Z 7bde287a1fbb7bd2f487a506b9059a9f3bf6da9281cef0f5c033cb3d0f5a63eb Vertebrate Paleontology Division, Yale Peabody Museum - Version 395.3214 http://ipt.peabody.yale.edu/archive.do?r=ypm-vp 2025-02-01T18:38:29.709Z 7bde287a1fbb7bd2f487a506b9059a9f3bf6da9281cef0f5c033cb3d0f5a63eb Vertebrate Zoology Division - Herpetology, Yale Peabody Museum - Version 395.3178 http://ipt.peabody.yale.edu/archive.do?r=ypm-vz-her 2025-02-01T18:38:29.709Z 7bde287a1fbb7bd2f487a506b9059a9f3bf6da9281cef0f5c033cb3d0f5a63eb Vertebrate Zoology Division - Ichthyology, Yale Peabody Museum - Version 395.3132 http://ipt.peabody.yale.edu/archive.do?r=ypm-vz-ich 2025-02-01T18:38:29.709Z 7bde287a1fbb7bd2f487a506b9059a9f3bf6da9281cef0f5c033cb3d0f5a63eb Vertebrate Zoology Division - Mammalogy, Yale Peabody Museum - Version 397.3189 http://ipt.peabody.yale.edu/archive.do?r=ypm-vz-mam 2025-02-01T18:38:29.709Z 7bde287a1fbb7bd2f487a506b9059a9f3bf6da9281cef0f5c033cb3d0f5a63eb Vertebrate Zoology Division - Ornithology, Yale Peabody Museum - Version 395.3163 http://ipt.peabody.yale.edu/archive.do?r=ypm-vz-orn 2025-02-01T18:38:29.709Z 7bde287a1fbb7bd2f487a506b9059a9f3bf6da9281cef0f5c033cb3d0f5a63eb

For additional metadata related to this dataset, please visit https://github.com/globalbioticinteractions/yale-peabody and inspect associated metadata files including, but not limited to, README.md, eml.xml, and/or globi.json.


The review is performed through programmatic scripts that leverage tools like Preston, Elton, Nomer combined with third-party tools like grep, mlr, tail and head.

Tools used in this review process
tool name version
elton 0.13.9
nomer 0.5.13
mlr 6.0.0

The review process can be described in the form of the script below 1.

# get versioned copy of the dataset (size approx.  459MiB) under review 
elton pull globalbioticinteractions/yale-peabody

# generate review notes
elton review globalbioticinteractions/yale-peabody\
 > review.tsv

# export indexed interaction records
elton interactions globalbioticinteractions/yale-peabody\
 > interactions.tsv

# export names and align them with the Catalogue of Life using Nomer 
elton names globalbioticinteractions/yale-peabody\
 | nomer append col\
 > name-alignment.tsv

or visually, in a process diagram.

review origin dataset origin elton Elton (a naive review bot) elton->origin pull (1) interactions indexed interactions elton->interactions generates (2) alignment name alignments nomer Nomer (a naive review bot) nomer->interactions extract names (3) nomer->alignment generates (5) catalog name catalog nomer->catalog uses (4)

You can find a recent copy of the full review script at check-data.sh.


In the following sections, the results of the review are summarized 2. Then, links to the detailed review reports are provided.

Biotic Interactions

model primaryTaxon Primary Taxon associatedTaxon Associated Taxon primaryOrganism Primary Organism primaryOrganism->primaryTaxon classifiedAs associatedOrganism Associated Organism primaryOrganism->associatedOrganism interactsWith associatedOrganism->associatedTaxon classifiedAs

In this review, biotic interactions (or biotic associations) are modeled as a primary (aka subject, source) organism interacting with an associate (aka object, target) organism. The dataset under review classified the primary/associate organisms with specific taxa. The primary and associate organisms The kind of interaction is documented as an interaction type.

The dataset under review, named globalbioticinteractions/yale-peabody, is 459MiB in size and contains 281,978 interaction with 9 unique types of associations (e.g., adjacentTo) between 8,094 primary taxon (e.g., undet. Foraminiferida) and 139,393 associated taxon (e.g., rocks).

An exhaustive list of indexed interaction claims can be found in csv and tsv archives. To facilitate discovery, the first 500 claims available on the html page at indexed-interactions.html are shown below.

The exhaustive list was used to create the following data summaries below.

Sample of Indexed Interaction Claims
sourceTaxonName interactionTypeName targetTaxonName referenceCitation
Aegithalos caudatus macedonicus interactsWith ORN.113916 http://collections.peabody.yale.edu/search/Record/YPM-ORN-065637
Erithacus rubecula rubecula interactsWith ORN.140511.001 http://collections.peabody.yale.edu/search/Record/YPM-ORN-140507.001
Molothrus ater ater hasHost ORN.142308 http://collections.peabody.yale.edu/search/Record/YPM-ORN-142309
Doricha enicura interactsWith ORN.142510.001 http://collections.peabody.yale.edu/search/Record/YPM-ORN-142516
Most Frequently Mentioned Interaction Types (up to 20 most frequent)
interactionTypeName count
adjacentTo 153584
interactsWith 126378
hasHost 1748
hasParasite 384
symbiontOf 50
preysOn 13
preyedUponBy 7
visits 6
eats 3
Most Frequently Mentioned Primary Taxa (up to 20 most frequent)
sourceTaxonName count
undet. Foraminiferida 22854
Limopsis striatopunctatus 20122
undet. Bivalvia 16736
undet. Mollusca 13874
undet. Rugoglobigerinidae 5778
Protocardia sp. 4603
Hoploscaphites sp. 4431
Diptera 4399
undet. Rotaliida 4256
Protocardia subquadrata 4165
taxon undetermined 3976
Insecta 3611
Bivalvia 3418
undet. Conchostraca 3148
undet. Scaphitidae 2882
Hexapoda 2834
undet. Ammonoidea 2767
Coleoptera 2563
Foraminiferida 2427
Most Frequently Mentioned Associate Taxa (up to 20 most frequent)
targetTaxonName count
rocks 1435
same original lot: IP.004851 1158
same slab: IP.850994 774
same slab: IP.076166 713
same slide: IP.856874 704
same slide: IP.856866 654
same slide: IP.856867 635
trees 635
same slide: IP.856873 631
same slide: IP.856871 612
same slab: IP.351960 599
same slide: IP.856872 553
same slab: IP.392287 540
same slide: IP.856903 514
IP.856879 509
same slide: IP.856868 468
same slide: IP.856404 448
same slab: IP.903600 440
same slide: IP.856906 427
Most Frequent Interactions between Primary and Associate Taxa (up to 20 most frequent)
sourceTaxonName interactionTypeName targetTaxonName count
Limopsis striatopunctatus adjacentTo same slab: IP.850994 769
undet. Foraminiferida adjacentTo same slide: IP.856866 653
undet. Foraminiferida adjacentTo same slide: IP.856867 634
undet. Foraminiferida adjacentTo same slide: IP.856871 611
Corbulamella gregaria adjacentTo same slab: IP.076166 601
undet. Foraminiferida adjacentTo same slide: IP.856868 467
undet. Foraminiferida interactsWith IP.856879 411
undet. Rotaliida interactsWith same original lot: IP.004851 389
undet. Foraminiferida adjacentTo same slide: IP.238722 389
undet. Foraminiferida interactsWith same original lot: IP.004851 371
Strophodonta sp. interactsWith same original lot: IP.558034 349
undet. Mollusca adjacentTo same slab: IP.316125 343
undet. Foraminiferida adjacentTo same slide: IP.856388 339
Protocardia subquadrata adjacentTo same slab: IP.392287 332
Protocardia sp. adjacentTo same slab: IP.391866 318
undet. Serpulidae adjacentTo same slab: IP.591512 317
Protocardia sp. adjacentTo same slab: IP.595261 298
undet. Foraminiferida adjacentTo same slide: IP.238721 297
Limopsis striatopunctatus adjacentTo same slab: IP.852383 295

Interaction Networks

The figures below provide a graph view on the dataset under review. The first shows a summary network on the kingdom level, and the second shows how interactions on the family level. It is important to note that both network graphs were first aligned taxonomically using the Catalogue of Life. Please refer to the original (or verbatim) taxonomic names for a more original view on the interaction data.

interactions Animalia Animalia Plantae Plantae Animalia->Plantae Plantae->Animalia Plantae->Plantae Fungi Fungi Fungi->Animalia Fungi->Plantae Fungi->Fungi
interactions Aneuraceae Aneuraceae Labridae Labridae Aneuraceae->Labridae Antitrichiaceae Antitrichiaceae Sapindaceae Sapindaceae Antitrichiaceae->Sapindaceae Arthoniaceae Arthoniaceae Arthoniaceae->Sapindaceae Anacardiaceae Anacardiaceae Arthoniaceae->Anacardiaceae Aquifoliaceae Aquifoliaceae Arthoniaceae->Aquifoliaceae Juglandaceae Juglandaceae Arthoniaceae->Juglandaceae Lauraceae Lauraceae Arthoniaceae->Lauraceae Nyssaceae Nyssaceae Arthoniaceae->Nyssaceae Ulmaceae Ulmaceae Arthoniaceae->Ulmaceae Brachytheciaceae Brachytheciaceae Brachytheciaceae->Sapindaceae Fagaceae Fagaceae Brachytheciaceae->Fagaceae Brigantiaeaceae Brigantiaeaceae Magnoliaceae Magnoliaceae Brigantiaeaceae->Magnoliaceae Caliciaceae Caliciaceae Caliciaceae->Sapindaceae Caliciaceae->Fagaceae Betulaceae Betulaceae Caliciaceae->Betulaceae Pinaceae Pinaceae Caliciaceae->Pinaceae Cephaloziaceae Cephaloziaceae Pelliaceae Pelliaceae Cephaloziaceae->Pelliaceae Cephaloziellaceae Cephaloziellaceae Cephaloziellaceae->Labridae Coccocarpiaceae Coccocarpiaceae Coccocarpiaceae->Magnoliaceae Collemataceae Collemataceae Burseraceae Burseraceae Collemataceae->Burseraceae Cupressaceae Cupressaceae Collemataceae->Cupressaceae Moraceae Moraceae Collemataceae->Moraceae Crambidae Crambidae Poaceae Poaceae Crambidae->Poaceae Dacampiaceae Dacampiaceae Salicaceae Salicaceae Dacampiaceae->Salicaceae Erebidae Erebidae Rosaceae Rosaceae Erebidae->Rosaceae Erpodiaceae Erpodiaceae Cactaceae Cactaceae Erpodiaceae->Cactaceae Ethmiidae Ethmiidae Asparagaceae Asparagaceae Ethmiidae->Asparagaceae Frullaniaceae Frullaniaceae Frullaniaceae->Sapindaceae Frullaniaceae->Aquifoliaceae Frullaniaceae->Nyssaceae Frullaniaceae->Fagaceae Frullaniaceae->Magnoliaceae Frullaniaceae->Betulaceae Frullaniaceae->Cupressaceae Frullaniaceae->Salicaceae Frullaniaceae->Rosaceae Cannabaceae Cannabaceae Frullaniaceae->Cannabaceae Cornaceae Cornaceae Frullaniaceae->Cornaceae Malvaceae Malvaceae Frullaniaceae->Malvaceae Pandanaceae Pandanaceae Frullaniaceae->Pandanaceae Graphidaceae Graphidaceae Graphidaceae->Sapindaceae Graphidaceae->Magnoliaceae Graphidaceae->Betulaceae Bovidae Bovidae Graphidaceae->Bovidae Cladoniaceae Cladoniaceae Graphidaceae->Cladoniaceae Fabaceae Fabaceae Graphidaceae->Fabaceae Haematommataceae Haematommataceae Meliaceae Meliaceae Haematommataceae->Meliaceae Lecanoraceae Lecanoraceae Lecanoraceae->Nyssaceae Lecanoraceae->Fagaceae Lecanoraceae->Pinaceae Lecanoraceae->Cupressaceae Lecanoraceae->Malvaceae Lejeuneaceae Lejeuneaceae Lejeuneaceae->Anacardiaceae Lejeuneaceae->Aquifoliaceae Lejeuneaceae->Lauraceae Lejeuneaceae->Nyssaceae Lejeuneaceae->Fagaceae Lejeuneaceae->Magnoliaceae Lejeuneaceae->Betulaceae Lejeuneaceae->Cupressaceae Lejeuneaceae->Pandanaceae Lejeuneaceae->Fabaceae Arecaceae Arecaceae Lejeuneaceae->Arecaceae Dryopteridaceae Dryopteridaceae Lejeuneaceae->Dryopteridaceae Ericaceae Ericaceae Lejeuneaceae->Ericaceae Euphorbiaceae Euphorbiaceae Lejeuneaceae->Euphorbiaceae Hymenophyllaceae Hymenophyllaceae Lejeuneaceae->Hymenophyllaceae Myricaceae Myricaceae Lejeuneaceae->Myricaceae Myrtaceae Myrtaceae Lejeuneaceae->Myrtaceae Orchidaceae Orchidaceae Lejeuneaceae->Orchidaceae Primulaceae Primulaceae Lejeuneaceae->Primulaceae Rhizophoraceae Rhizophoraceae Lejeuneaceae->Rhizophoraceae Rubiaceae Rubiaceae Lejeuneaceae->Rubiaceae Urticaceae Urticaceae Lejeuneaceae->Urticaceae Leucodontaceae Leucodontaceae Leucodontaceae->Magnoliaceae Leucodontaceae->Cupressaceae Limoniidae Limoniidae Limoniidae->Fagaceae Lobariaceae Lobariaceae Lobariaceae->Sapindaceae Lobariaceae->Ulmaceae Lobariaceae->Fagaceae Lobariaceae->Magnoliaceae Oleaceae Oleaceae Lobariaceae->Oleaceae Metzgeriaceae Metzgeriaceae Metzgeriaceae->Sapindaceae Metzgeriaceae->Magnoliaceae Metzgeriaceae->Betulaceae Microcaliciaceae Microcaliciaceae Psilolechiaceae Psilolechiaceae Microcaliciaceae->Psilolechiaceae Mycocaliciaceae Mycocaliciaceae Mycocaliciaceae->Anacardiaceae Hymenochaetaceae Hymenochaetaceae Mycocaliciaceae->Hymenochaetaceae Polyporaceae Polyporaceae Mycocaliciaceae->Polyporaceae Naetrocymbaceae Naetrocymbaceae Naetrocymbaceae->Betulaceae Neckeraceae Neckeraceae Neckeraceae->Sapindaceae Neckeraceae->Fagaceae Neckeraceae->Cupressaceae Neckeraceae->Oleaceae Nephromataceae Nephromataceae Garryaceae Garryaceae Nephromataceae->Garryaceae Orthotrichaceae Orthotrichaceae Orthotrichaceae->Sapindaceae Orthotrichaceae->Magnoliaceae Orthotrichaceae->Salicaceae Pannariaceae Pannariaceae Pannariaceae->Fagaceae Parmeliaceae Parmeliaceae Parmeliaceae->Sapindaceae Parmeliaceae->Ulmaceae Parmeliaceae->Fagaceae Parmeliaceae->Magnoliaceae Parmeliaceae->Betulaceae Parmeliaceae->Pinaceae Parmeliaceae->Cupressaceae Parmeliaceae->Salicaceae Parmeliaceae->Rosaceae Parmeliaceae->Fabaceae Parmeliaceae->Meliaceae Parmeliaceae->Ericaceae Platanaceae Platanaceae Parmeliaceae->Platanaceae Pertusariaceae Pertusariaceae Pertusariaceae->Sapindaceae Pertusariaceae->Magnoliaceae Pertusariaceae->Pinaceae Pertusariaceae->Malvaceae Physciaceae Physciaceae Physciaceae->Sapindaceae Physciaceae->Juglandaceae Physciaceae->Ulmaceae Physciaceae->Fagaceae Physciaceae->Betulaceae Plagiochilaceae Plagiochilaceae Plagiochilaceae->Magnoliaceae Plagiotheciaceae Plagiotheciaceae Plagiotheciaceae->Betulaceae Porellaceae Porellaceae Porellaceae->Nyssaceae Porellaceae->Magnoliaceae Porellaceae->Betulaceae Porellaceae->Ericaceae Pottiaceae Pottiaceae Pottiaceae->Betulaceae Ptilidiaceae Ptilidiaceae Ptilidiaceae->Betulaceae Ptilidiaceae->Pinaceae Pylaisiaceae Pylaisiaceae Pylaisiaceae->Cupressaceae Pylaisiaceae->Oleaceae Pyrenulaceae Pyrenulaceae Pyrenulaceae->Sapindaceae Pyrenulaceae->Fagaceae Pyrenulaceae->Magnoliaceae Radulaceae Radulaceae Radulaceae->Betulaceae Radulaceae->Pinaceae Radulaceae->Cupressaceae Radulaceae->Rosaceae Radulaceae->Cornaceae Ramalinaceae Ramalinaceae Ramalinaceae->Juglandaceae Ramalinaceae->Fagaceae Ramalinaceae->Magnoliaceae Ramalinaceae->Betulaceae Ramalinaceae->Pinaceae Ramalinaceae->Cupressaceae Ramalinaceae->Salicaceae Ramalinaceae->Oleaceae Saturniidae Saturniidae Asteraceae Asteraceae Saturniidae->Asteraceae Sclerococcaceae Sclerococcaceae Ochrolechiaceae Ochrolechiaceae Sclerococcaceae->Ochrolechiaceae Stereocaulaceae Stereocaulaceae Stereocaulaceae->Sapindaceae Strigulaceae Strigulaceae Strigulaceae->Magnoliaceae Teloschistaceae Teloschistaceae Teloschistaceae->Betulaceae Teloschistaceae->Cupressaceae Teloschistaceae->Salicaceae Tortricidae Tortricidae Tortricidae->Rosaceae Aristolochiaceae Aristolochiaceae Tortricidae->Aristolochiaceae Geraniaceae Geraniaceae Tortricidae->Geraniaceae Trypetheliaceae Trypetheliaceae Trypetheliaceae->Fagaceae Trypetheliaceae->Meliaceae Verrucariaceae Verrucariaceae Verrucariaceae->Fagaceae

You can download the indexed dataset under review at indexed-interactions.csv. A tab-separated file can be found at indexed-interactions.tsv

Learn more about the structure of this download at GloBI website, by opening a GitHub issue, or by sending an email.

Another way to discover the dataset under review is by searching for it on the GloBI website.

Taxonomic Alignment

As part of the review, all names are aligned against various name catalogs (e.g., col, ncbi, discoverlife, gbif, itis, wfo, mdd, tpt, pbdb, and worms). These alignments can help review name usage or aid in selecting of a suitable taxonomic name resource.

Sample of Name Alignments
providedName relationName resolvedCatalogName resolvedName
Clay over sandstone rock at entrance triangular fault damp NONE col Clay over sandstone rock at entrance triangular fault damp
Balsamea SYNONYM_OF col Commiphora
Bank along an old road NONE col Bank along an old road
Bank NONE col Bank
Distribution of Taxonomic Ranks of Aligned Names by Catalog. Names that were not aligned with a catalog are counted as NAs. So, the total number of unaligned names for a catalog will be listed in their NA row.
resolvedCatalogName resolvedRank count
col NA 6689
col class 37
col family 196
col genus 702
col gigaclass 1
col infraorder 5
col infraphylum 1
col infraspecific name 1
col kingdom 3
col order 64
col parvorder 1
col parvphylum 1
col phylum 13
col section 1
col species 3320
col subclass 10
col subfamily 10
col subgenus 19
col suborder 11
col subphylum 4
col subspecies 188
col subtribe 1
col superclass 1
col superfamily 19
col superorder 2
col tribe 3
col variety 22
discoverlife NA 11259
discoverlife species 13
gbif NA 4869
gbif class 37
gbif family 277
gbif form 9
gbif genus 1271
gbif kingdom 4
gbif order 61
gbif phylum 13
gbif species 4515
gbif subspecies 215
gbif variety 74
itis NA 7996
itis class 38
itis family 169
itis genus 417
itis infraclass 1
itis infraorder 5
itis infraphylum 1
itis kingdom 3
itis order 71
itis phylum 12
itis section 1
itis species 2287
itis subclass 16
itis subfamily 9
itis suborder 24
itis subphylum 10
itis subspecies 176
itis superclass 2
itis superfamily 11
itis superorder 4
itis variety 34
mdd NA 11271
ncbi NA 8413
ncbi clade 13
ncbi class 35
ncbi cohort 2
ncbi family 163
ncbi genus 443
ncbi infraclass 1
ncbi infraorder 6
ncbi kingdom 2
ncbi order 65
ncbi phylum 13
ncbi species 1988
ncbi subclass 14
ncbi subfamily 9
ncbi subgenus 7
ncbi suborder 15
ncbi subphylum 4
ncbi subspecies 68
ncbi superclass 2
ncbi superfamily 16
ncbi superorder 5
ncbi tribe 2
ncbi varietas 1
pbdb NA 8365
pbdb class 60
pbdb family 261
pbdb genus 1050
pbdb informal 1
pbdb infraclass 2
pbdb infraorder 7
pbdb kingdom 5
pbdb order 129
pbdb phylum 16
pbdb species 1272
pbdb subclass 18
pbdb subfamily 18
pbdb suborder 39
pbdb subphylum 7
pbdb subspecies 15
pbdb superclass 4
pbdb superfamily 35
pbdb superorder 5
pbdb superphylum 1
pbdb tribe 2
pbdb unranked clade 30
tpt NA 11077
tpt family 6
tpt genus 14
tpt order 5
tpt species 169
wfo NA 9425
wfo class 1
wfo family 7
wfo genus 138
wfo order 1
wfo phylum 1
wfo section 1
wfo species 1667
wfo subspecies 19
wfo variety 17
worms NA 9174
worms class 46
worms family 179
worms genus 624
worms gigaclass 1
worms infraclass 5
worms infraorder 6
worms infraphylum 1
worms kingdom 3
worms order 71
worms parvphylum 1
worms phylum 15
worms species 1064
worms subclass 12
worms subfamily 3
worms suborder 22
worms subphylum 9
worms subspecies 16
worms superclass 2
worms superfamily 25
worms superorder 2
worms variety 1
Name relationship types per catalog. Name relationship type “NONE” means that a name was not recognized by the associated catalog. “SAME_AS” indicates either a “HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME” or “SYNONYM_OF” name relationship type. We recognize that “SYNONYM_OF” encompasses many types of nomenclatural synonymies (ICZN 1999) (e.g., junior synonym, senior synonyms).
resolvedCatalogName relationName count
col NONE 142373
col SYNONYM_OF 2082
discoverlife NONE 147625
discoverlife HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME 12
discoverlife SYNONYM_OF 2
gbif NONE 140354
gbif SYNONYM_OF 3148
itis NONE 143889
itis SYNONYM_OF 813
mdd NONE 147515
ncbi NONE 144245
ncbi SAME_AS 3056
ncbi SYNONYM_OF 375
pbdb NONE 143845
pbdb SYNONYM_OF 583
tpt NONE 147410
wfo NONE 145575
wfo SYNONYM_OF 463
worms NONE 144993
worms SYNONYM_OF 415
List of Available Name Alignment Reports
catalog name alignment results
col associated names alignments (first 500, full csv/tsv)
ncbi associated names alignments (first 500, full csv/tsv)
discoverlife associated names alignments (first 500, full csv/tsv)
gbif associated names alignments (first 500, full csv/tsv)
itis associated names alignments (first 500, full csv/tsv)
wfo associated names alignments (first 500, full csv/tsv)
mdd associated names alignments (first 500, full csv/tsv)
tpt associated names alignments (first 500, full csv/tsv)
pbdb associated names alignments (first 500, full csv/tsv)
worms associated names alignments (first 500, full csv/tsv)

Additional Reviews

Elton, Nomer, and other tools may have difficulties interpreting existing species interaction datasets. Or, they may misbehave, or otherwise show unexpected behavior. As part of the review process, detailed review notes are kept that document possibly misbehaving, or confused, review bots. An sample of review notes associated with this review can be found below.

First few lines in the review notes.
reviewDate reviewCommentType reviewComment
2025-02-11T04:37:52Z summary https://github.com/globalbioticinteractions/yale-peabody/archive/4525d8b90998b1d3ec3c83a5074839fce5f047f3.zip
2025-02-11T04:37:52Z summary 282173 interaction(s)
2025-02-11T04:37:52Z summary 0 note(s)
2025-02-11T04:37:52Z summary 20 info(s)

In addtion, you can find the most frequently occurring notes in the table below.

: Most frequently occurring review notes, if any.

For addition information on review notes, please have a look at the first 500 Review Notes or the download full csv or tsv archives.

GloBI Review Badge

As part of the review, a review badge is generated. This review badge can be included in webpages to indicate the review status of the dataset under review.

review review

Note that if the badge is green, no review notes were generated. If the badge is yellow, the review bots may need some help with interpreting the species interaction data.

GloBI Index Badge

If the dataset under review has been registered with GloBI, and has been succesfully indexed by GloBI, the GloBI Index Status Badge will turn green. This means that the dataset under review was indexed by GloBI and is available through GloBI services and derived data products.

Picture of a GloBI Index Badge

If you’d like to keep track of reviews or index status of the dataset under review, please visit [GloBI’s dataset index ^[At time of writing (2025-02-11) the version of the GloBI dataset index was available at https://globalbioticinteractions.org/datasets for badge examples.


This review aims to provide a perspective on the dataset to aid in understanding of species interaction claims discovered. However, it is important to note that this review does not assess the quality of the dataset. Instead, it serves as an indication of the open-ness5 and FAIRness (Wilkinson et al. 2016; Trekels et al. 2023) of the dataset: to perform this review, the data was likely openly available, Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable. The current Open-FAIR assessment is qualitative, and a more quantitative approach can be implemented with specified measurement units.

This report also showcases the reuse of machine-actionable (meta)data, something highly recommended by the FAIR Data Principles (Wilkinson et al. 2016). Making (meta)data machine-actionable enables more precise procesing by computers, enabling even naive review bots like Nomer and Elton to interpret the data effectively. This capability is crucial for not just automating the generation of reports, but also for facilitating seamless data exchanges, promoting interoperability.


We thank the many humans that created us and those who created and maintained the data, software and other intellectual resources that were used for producing this review. In addition, we are grateful for the natural resources providing the basis for these human and bot activities.

Author contributions

Nomer was responsible for name alignments. Elton carried out dataset extraction, and generated the review notes.


ICZN. 1999. “International Code of Zoological Nomenclature.” The International Trust for Zoological Nomenclature, London, UK. https://www.iczn.org/the-code/the-code-online/.
Poelen, Jorrit H., James D. Simons, and Chris J. Mungall. 2014. “Global Biotic Interactions: An Open Infrastructure to Share and Analyze Species-Interaction Datasets.” Ecological Informatics 24 (November): 148–59. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoinf.2014.08.005.
Trekels, Maarten, Debora Pignatari Drucker, José Augusto Salim, Jeff Ollerton, Jorrit Poelen, Filipi Miranda Soares, Max Rünzel, Muo Kasina, Quentin Groom, and Mariano Devoto. 2023. WorldFAIR Project (D10.1) Agriculture-related pollinator data standards use cases report.” Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8176978.
Wilkinson, Mark D., Michel Dumontier, IJsbrand Jan Aalbersberg, Gabrielle Appleton, Myles Axton, Arie Baak, Niklas Blomberg, et al. 2016. “The FAIR Guiding Principles for Scientific Data Management and Stewardship.” Scientific Data 3 (1). https://doi.org/10.1038/sdata.2016.18.