
providedExternalId providedName relationName resolvedCatalogName resolvedName resolvedAuthorship resolvedRank resolvedExternalUrl
Clay over sandstone rock at entrance triangular fault damp NONE tpt Clay over sandstone rock at entrance triangular fault damp
Clay over sandstone rock at entrance triangular fault damp NONE tpt Clay over sandstone rock at entrance triangular fault damp
Balsamea NONE tpt Balsamea
Bank along an old road NONE tpt Bank along an old road
Bank NONE tpt Bank
Bank NONE tpt Bank
Bank grassland NONE tpt Bank grassland
Bank NONE tpt Bank
Beech tree NONE tpt Beech tree
Abier log brought NONE tpt Abier log brought
Abies balsamea NONE tpt Abies balsamea
Abies balsamea NONE tpt Abies balsamea
Abies NONE tpt Abies
Abies NONE tpt Abies
Abietinella abietina NONE tpt Abietinella abietina
Big limestone boulder NONE tpt Big limestone boulder
Birch NONE tpt Birch
Birch NONE tpt Birch
Birch tree NONE tpt Birch tree
Board fence NONE tpt Board fence
Bog NONE tpt Bog
Boulder NONE tpt Boulder
Boulder NONE tpt Boulder
Brick wall NONE tpt Brick wall
Broad ledge NONE tpt Broad ledge
Brook NONE tpt Brook
Abrotocrinus uncinus NONE tpt Abrotocrinus uncinus
Abrotocrinus unicus NONE tpt Abrotocrinus unicus
Butternut tree NONE tpt Butternut tree
Acacia NONE tpt Acacia
Acacia tree NONE tpt Acacia tree
Acadoparadoxides briareus NONE tpt Acadoparadoxides briareus
Acanaloniidae NONE tpt Acanaloniidae
Acanella arbuscula NONE tpt Acanella arbuscula
Acanthephyra purpurea NONE tpt Acanthephyra purpurea
Acanthichnus alatus NONE tpt Acanthichnus alatus
Acanthichnus cursorius NONE tpt Acanthichnus cursorius
Acanthichnus NONE tpt Acanthichnus
Acanthichnus trilinearis NONE tpt Acanthichnus trilinearis
Acanthiza chrysorrhoa chrysorrhoa NONE tpt Acanthiza chrysorrhoa chrysorrhoa
Acanthoceras NONE tpt Acanthoceras
Acanthochaetetes wellsi NONE tpt Acanthochaetetes wellsi
Acanthocladia anceps NONE tpt Acanthocladia anceps
Acanthocladia dubia NONE tpt Acanthocladia dubia
Acanthocladia NONE tpt Acanthocladia
Acanthodes bronni NONE tpt Acanthodes bronni
Acanthodus lineatus NONE tpt Acanthodus lineatus
Acanthodus uncinatus NONE tpt Acanthodus uncinatus
Acanthometra fusca NONE tpt Acanthometra fusca
Acanthopecten carboniferous NONE tpt Acanthopecten carboniferous
Acanthoscaphites nodosus crassus NONE tpt Acanthoscaphites nodosus crassus
Acanthoscaphites nodosus quadrangolaris NONE tpt Acanthoscaphites nodosus quadrangolaris
Acanthostega gunnari NONE tpt Acanthostega gunnari
Acanthoteuthis speciosa NONE tpt Acanthoteuthis speciosa
Acari HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME tpt Haematopinus acuticeps Ferris, 1933 species
Acarinina bullbrooki NONE tpt Acarinina bullbrooki
Acarinina praetopilensis NONE tpt Acarinina praetopilensis
Acarinina soldadoensis NONE tpt Acarinina soldadoensis
Acarinina topilensis NONE tpt Acarinina topilensis
Acarospora americana NONE tpt Acarospora americana
Acarospora dissipata NONE tpt Acarospora dissipata
Acarospora fuscata NONE tpt Acarospora fuscata
Acarospora oxytona NONE tpt Acarospora oxytona
Acarospora privigna NONE tpt Acarospora privigna
Acarospora privigna pruinosa NONE tpt Acarospora privigna pruinosa
Acarospora schleicheri NONE tpt Acarospora schleicheri
Acarospora smaragdula NONE tpt Acarospora smaragdula
Acarospora socialis NONE tpt Acarospora socialis
Acarospora veronensis NONE tpt Acarospora veronensis
Acarospora xanthophana NONE tpt Acarospora xanthophana
Acaulon muticum NONE tpt Acaulon muticum
Acaulon NONE tpt Acaulon
Acaulon schimperianum NONE tpt Acaulon schimperianum
Acentrophorus NONE tpt Acentrophorus
Acer circinatum NONE tpt Acer circinatum
Acer NONE tpt Acer
Acer NONE tpt Acer
Acer NONE tpt Acer
Acer grandidentatum NONE tpt Acer grandidentatum
Acer jerrsy branicum NONE tpt Acer jerrsy branicum
Acer macrophyllum NONE tpt Acer macrophyllum
Acer macrophyllum NONE tpt Acer macrophyllum
Acer NONE tpt Acer
Acer macrophyllum tree NONE tpt Acer macrophyllum tree
Acer macrophyllum trunk NONE tpt Acer macrophyllum trunk
Acer NONE tpt Acer
Acer negando NONE tpt Acer negando
Acer rubrum NONE tpt Acer rubrum
Acer rubrum NONE tpt Acer rubrum
Acer rubrum NONE tpt Acer rubrum
Acer saccharinum NONE tpt Acer saccharinum
Acer saccharmn NONE tpt Acer saccharmn
Acer saccharum NONE tpt Acer saccharum
Acer saccharum the open NONE tpt Acer saccharum the open
Acer NONE tpt Acer
Acer spicatum NONE tpt Acer spicatum
Acer NONE tpt Acer
Acer trilobatum NONE tpt Acer trilobatum
Acervularia davidsoni NONE tpt Acervularia davidsoni
Achatina fulica NONE tpt Achatina fulica
Chestnut tree NONE tpt Chestnut tree
Achilidae NONE tpt Achilidae
Achlyodes mithridates NONE tpt Achlyodes mithridates
Achnanthes brevipes NONE tpt Achnanthes brevipes
Acidaspis NONE tpt Acidaspis
Acid soil by iris bed NONE tpt Acid soil by iris bed
Cliff at the bend the river NONE tpt Cliff at the bend the river
Cliff NONE tpt Cliff
Acmaea occidentalis NONE tpt Acmaea occidentalis
Acmaeidae NONE tpt Acmaeidae
Acratia deloi NONE tpt Acratia deloi
Acrista NONE tpt Acrista
Acrobolbus rhizophyllus NONE tpt Acrobolbus rhizophyllus
Acrocephalus arundinaceus arundinaceus NONE tpt Acrocephalus arundinaceus arundinaceus
Acrocephalus palustris HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME tpt Acrocephalus palustris species
Acrocephalus schoenobaenus HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME tpt Acrocephalus schoenobaenus species
Acrocephalus scirpaceus scirpaceus NONE tpt Acrocephalus scirpaceus scirpaceus
Acrodonta NONE tpt Acrodonta
Acrolejeunea heterophylla NONE tpt Acrolejeunea heterophylla
Acrolejeunea polycarpa NONE tpt Acrolejeunea polycarpa
Acrometa cristata NONE tpt Acrometa cristata
Acrophyllum NONE tpt Acrophyllum
Acroporium baldwinii NONE tpt Acroporium baldwinii
Acroporium fuscoflavum NONE tpt Acroporium fuscoflavum
Acrosterigma NONE tpt Acrosterigma
Acrostichum pusillum NONE tpt Acrostichum pusillum
Acrothele subsidua NONE tpt Acrothele subsidua
Acrotheloidea NONE tpt Acrotheloidea
Acrothyra NONE tpt Acrothyra
Acteon NONE tpt Acteon
Actias luna NONE tpt Actias luna
Actiniaria NONE tpt Actiniaria
Actinobalanus bisulcatus NONE tpt Actinobalanus bisulcatus
Actinocrinites gibsoni NONE tpt Actinocrinites gibsoni
Actinodesma NONE tpt Actinodesma
Actinogyra muehlenbergii NONE tpt Actinogyra muehlenbergii
Actinogyra polyrrhiza NONE tpt Actinogyra polyrrhiza
Actinophrys sol NONE tpt Actinophrys sol
Actinopteria NONE tpt Actinopteria
Actinopteria boydi NONE tpt Actinopteria boydi
Actinopterygii NONE tpt Actinopterygii
Actinopterygii NONE tpt Actinopterygii
Actinopterygii NONE tpt Actinopterygii
Actinosepia NONE tpt Actinosepia
Actitis hypoleucos HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME tpt Actitis hypoleucos species
Acutiramus cummingsi NONE tpt Acutiramus cummingsi
Acutiramus macrophthalmus NONE tpt Acutiramus macrophthalmus
Acutiramus NONE tpt Acutiramus
Adaetontherium incognitum NONE tpt Adaetontherium incognitum
Damp bank NONE tpt Damp bank
Damp mossy rock NONE tpt Damp mossy rock
Adamsia sociabilis NONE tpt Adamsia sociabilis
Adapisoricidae NONE tpt Adapisoricidae
Evergreen NONE tpt Evergreen
Log NONE tpt Log
Tree NONE tpt Tree
Twig NONE tpt Twig
Decayed log NONE tpt Decayed log
Log NONE tpt Log
Log low woods NONE tpt Log low woods
Adiantum cubense NONE tpt Adiantum cubense
Adinotherium NONE tpt Adinotherium
Adinotherium ovinum NONE tpt Adinotherium ovinum
Adobe walls NONE tpt Adobe walls
Dry boulder NONE tpt Dry boulder
Dry limestone boulder NONE tpt Dry limestone boulder
Adunator meizon NONE tpt Adunator meizon
Aedes aegypti NONE tpt Aedes aegypti
Aedes albopictus NONE tpt Aedes albopictus
Aedes NONE tpt Aedes
Aedes fitchii NONE tpt Aedes fitchii
Aedes poicilius NONE tpt Aedes poicilius
Aeger NONE tpt Aeger
Aegirocassis NONE tpt Aegirocassis
Aegirocassis benmoulae NONE tpt Aegirocassis benmoulae
Aegirocassisinae NONE tpt Aegirocassisinae
Aegirocassis NONE tpt Aegirocassis
Aegithalos caudatus macedonicus NONE tpt Aegithalos caudatus macedonicus
Aegyptopithecus zeuxis NONE tpt Aegyptopithecus zeuxis
Aepyceros melampus HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME tpt Aepyceros melampus species
Aerobryopsis longissima NONE tpt Aerobryopsis longissima
Aesculus californica NONE tpt Aesculus californica
Aesculus NONE tpt Aesculus
AEsculus Californica NONE tpt AEsculus Californica
Aetea NONE tpt Aetea
Aethotaxis mitopteryx NONE tpt Aethotaxis mitopteryx
Aeverrillia NONE tpt Aeverrillia
Aeverrillia setigera NONE tpt Aeverrillia setigera
Fallen log NONE tpt Fallen log
Fallen rock NONE tpt Fallen rock
Fallen tree NONE tpt Fallen tree
Fallen tree summit NONE tpt Fallen tree summit
Fence NONE tpt Fence
Fern NONE tpt Fern
Fig tree NONE tpt Fig tree
Fir stump NONE tpt Fir stump
Fraximus NONE tpt Fraximus
Agama mwanzae NONE tpt Agama mwanzae
Aganaster gregarius NONE tpt Aganaster gregarius
Agapostemon texanus NONE tpt Agapostemon texanus
Agaricia agaricites humilis NONE tpt Agaricia agaricites humilis
Agaricia NONE tpt Agaricia
Agaricia NONE tpt Agaricia
Agaricia fragilis NONE tpt Agaricia fragilis
Agathiceras frechi NONE tpt Agathiceras frechi
Agelaius phoeniceus phoeniceus NONE tpt Agelaius phoeniceus phoeniceus
Agelas dispar NONE tpt Agelas dispar
Agelocrinites cincinnatiensis NONE tpt Agelocrinites cincinnatiensis
Aglaspida NONE tpt Aglaspida
Gneiss rock NONE tpt Gneiss rock
Agnostida NONE tpt Agnostida
Granite ledge NONE tpt Granite ledge
Granite rock NONE tpt Granite rock
Granite stone NONE tpt Granite stone
Gravelly plain NONE tpt Gravelly plain
Grazzy clay covered slope facing north NONE tpt Grazzy clay covered slope facing north
Great rock NONE tpt Great rock
Agriochoerus antiquus NONE tpt Agriochoerus antiquus
Agropyron acadiense NONE tpt Agropyron acadiense
Hau tree NONE tpt Hau tree
Ailuronyx seychellensis NONE tpt Ailuronyx seychellensis
Akanthosuchus langstoni NONE tpt Akanthosuchus langstoni
Kukui tree NONE tpt Kukui tree
Acer rubrum NONE tpt Acer rubrum
Boulder NONE tpt Boulder
Boulder NONE tpt Boulder
Boulder the NONE tpt Boulder the
Fagus grandifolia NONE tpt Fagus grandifolia
Gneiss rock NONE tpt Gneiss rock
Quercus borealis maxima NONE tpt Quercus borealis maxima
Tree NONE tpt Tree
Albertochampsa langstoni NONE tpt Albertochampsa langstoni
Alcelaphus buselaphus HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME tpt Alcelaphus buselaphus species
Alcelaphus buselaphus cokii NONE tpt Alcelaphus buselaphus cokii
Alces alces HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME tpt Alces alces species
Alcithoe arabica NONE tpt Alcithoe arabica
Alcyonidium polyoum NONE tpt Alcyonidium polyoum
Alder red maple NONE tpt Alder red maple
Alder NONE tpt Alder
Alder beside beaver pond NONE tpt Alder beside beaver pond
Alder edge swamp NONE tpt Alder edge swamp
Alder NONE tpt Alder
Alder NONE tpt Alder
Alder NONE tpt Alder
Alderina flaventa NONE tpt Alderina flaventa
Alder logs rocks NONE tpt Alder logs rocks
Alders stones NONE tpt Alders stones
Alders willows damp woods NONE tpt Alders willows damp woods
Alders NONE tpt Alders
Alders NONE tpt Alders
Alder stems fence rails NONE tpt Alder stems fence rails
Alder tree NONE tpt Alder tree
Alder trees NONE tpt Alder trees
Alder trees woods NONE tpt Alder trees woods
Alectoria californica NONE tpt Alectoria californica
Alectoria fremontii NONE tpt Alectoria fremontii
Alectoria implexa NONE tpt Alectoria implexa
Alectoria jubata NONE tpt Alectoria jubata
Alectoria jubata implexa NONE tpt Alectoria jubata implexa
Alectoria nidulifera NONE tpt Alectoria nidulifera
Alectoria ochroleuca NONE tpt Alectoria ochroleuca
Alectoria ochroleuca sarmentosa NONE tpt Alectoria ochroleuca sarmentosa
Alectoria oregana NONE tpt Alectoria oregana
Alectoria pubescens NONE tpt Alectoria pubescens
Alectoria sarmentosa NONE tpt Alectoria sarmentosa
Alectoria tortuosa NONE tpt Alectoria tortuosa
Alectryonia johnsoni NONE tpt Alectryonia johnsoni
Ledge NONE tpt Ledge
Ledge low woods NONE tpt Ledge low woods
Ledge sand rock close by the railway NONE tpt Ledge sand rock close by the railway
Alethopteris serlii NONE tpt Alethopteris serlii
Aletodon gunnelli NONE tpt Aletodon gunnelli
Aleurites moluccana NONE tpt Aleurites moluccana
Alewrites NONE tpt Alewrites
Algae NONE tpt Algae
Algae NONE tpt Algae
Algae NONE tpt Algae
Alienoptera NONE tpt Alienoptera
Limestone cliff NONE tpt Limestone cliff
Alitta succinea NONE tpt Alitta succinea
Allium validum NONE tpt Allium validum
Allocryptaspis NONE tpt Allocryptaspis
Alluvial soil NONE tpt Alluvial soil
Wet logs NONE tpt Wet logs
Almost perpendicular side shaded boulder NONE tpt Almost perpendicular side shaded boulder
Alnus circuinata NONE tpt Alnus circuinata
Alnus NONE tpt Alnus
Alnus NONE tpt Alnus
Alnus oregona NONE tpt Alnus oregona
Alnus relata NONE tpt Alnus relata
Alnus rubra by the sea NONE tpt Alnus rubra by the sea
Alnus rubra NONE tpt Alnus rubra
Alnus rubra NONE tpt Alnus rubra
Alnus sinuata NONE tpt Alnus sinuata
Alnus viridis NONE tpt Alnus viridis
Log NONE tpt Log
Log NONE tpt Log
Log NONE tpt Log
Log NONE tpt Log
Log NONE tpt Log
Log NONE tpt Log
Log NONE tpt Log
Log NONE tpt Log
Log bog NONE tpt Log bog
Log damp place NONE tpt Log damp place
Log dry bed stream NONE tpt Log dry bed stream
Log the woods NONE tpt Log the woods
Log woods NONE tpt Log woods
Aloina rigida NONE tpt Aloina rigida
Lone rock NONE tpt Lone rock
Low gneiss rock NONE tpt Low gneiss rock
Low stone woods NONE tpt Low stone woods
Aloxoconus propinquus NONE tpt Aloxoconus propinquus
Alpine boulders NONE tpt Alpine boulders
Alpine cliff walls NONE tpt Alpine cliff walls
Alpine fir NONE tpt Alpine fir
Alpine rocks NONE tpt Alpine rocks
Alsia californica NONE tpt Alsia californica
Alticinae NONE tpt Alticinae
Alveolites buchiana anceps NONE tpt Alveolites buchiana anceps
Alveolites producti NONE tpt Alveolites producti
Alveolophragmium linki NONE tpt Alveolophragmium linki
Alveopora rudis NONE tpt Alveopora rudis
Amallocystis NONE tpt Amallocystis
Maple NONE tpt Maple
Maple tree NONE tpt Maple tree
Maple trunk NONE tpt Maple trunk
Marble tombstone NONE tpt Marble tombstone
Amaroucium bermudae NONE tpt Amaroucium bermudae
Amathia gracilis NONE tpt Amathia gracilis
Amber NONE tpt Amber
Amblyosyllis NONE tpt Amblyosyllis
Amblysomus hottentotus hottentotus NONE tpt Amblysomus hottentotus hottentotus
Amblystegiella confervoides NONE tpt Amblystegiella confervoides
Amblystegiella minutissima NONE tpt Amblystegiella minutissima
Amblystegiella sprucei NONE tpt Amblystegiella sprucei
Amblystegiella subtilis NONE tpt Amblystegiella subtilis
Amblystegium americanum NONE tpt Amblystegium americanum
Amblystegium juratzkanum NONE tpt Amblystegium juratzkanum
Amblystegium orthocladon NONE tpt Amblystegium orthocladon
Amblystegium serpens NONE tpt Amblystegium serpens
Amblystegium serpens juratzkanum NONE tpt Amblystegium serpens juratzkanum
Amblystegium varium NONE tpt Amblystegium varium
Ambocoelia NONE tpt Ambocoelia
Ambocoelia plicata NONE tpt Ambocoelia plicata
Ambocoelia NONE tpt Ambocoelia
Ambocoelia umbonata NONE tpt Ambocoelia umbonata
Ambonychia NONE tpt Ambonychia
Amecephalus NONE tpt Amecephalus
Betula papyrifera NONE tpt Betula papyrifera
Amia aurolineatum NONE tpt Amia aurolineatum
Amia fragosa NONE tpt Amia fragosa
Amia gloverensis NONE tpt Amia gloverensis
Amia ocellicauda NONE tpt Amia ocellicauda
Amia scutata NONE tpt Amia scutata
Amia townsendi NONE tpt Amia townsendi
Mixture soil wood rocks site old land slide along river highway NONE tpt Mixture soil wood rocks site old land slide along river highway
Ammobaculites euides NONE tpt Ammobaculites euides
Ammobaculites obliquus NONE tpt Ammobaculites obliquus
Ammobaculites petilus NONE tpt Ammobaculites petilus
Ammobaculites NONE tpt Ammobaculites
Ammobaculites NONE tpt Ammobaculites
Ammobaculites subcretaceus NONE tpt Ammobaculites subcretaceus
Ammobaculites tyrrelli NONE tpt Ammobaculites tyrrelli
Ammobaculoides phaulus NONE tpt Ammobaculoides phaulus
Ammobaculoides NONE tpt Ammobaculoides
Ammobaculoides whitneyi NONE tpt Ammobaculoides whitneyi
Ammodramus savannarum HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME tpt Ammodramus savannarum species
Ammomarginulina cragini NONE tpt Ammomarginulina cragini
Ammonoidea NONE tpt Ammonoidea
Ammonoidea NONE tpt Ammonoidea
Ammonoidea NONE tpt Ammonoidea
Ammonoidea NONE tpt Ammonoidea
Ammonoidea NONE tpt Ammonoidea
Ammospermophilus leucurus leucurus NONE tpt Ammospermophilus leucurus leucurus
Amnicola cincinnatiensis NONE tpt Amnicola cincinnatiensis
Amnicola dupotetiana NONE tpt Amnicola dupotetiana
Amnicola limosus NONE tpt Amnicola limosus
Amnicola lustrica NONE tpt Amnicola lustrica
Amnicola orbiculata NONE tpt Amnicola orbiculata
Amnicola porata NONE tpt Amnicola porata
Amnicola sayana NONE tpt Amnicola sayana
Moist bank NONE tpt Moist bank
Moist bank fresh pond NONE tpt Moist bank fresh pond
Moist bank trees NONE tpt Moist bank trees
Moist cliff NONE tpt Moist cliff
Moist log NONE tpt Moist log
Moist rock NONE tpt Moist rock
Moist sandstone ledge NONE tpt Moist sandstone ledge
Mossy bank NONE tpt Mossy bank
Mossy gneiss rock NONE tpt Mossy gneiss rock
Mossy rock NONE tpt Mossy rock
Mountain NONE tpt Mountain
Amphibalanus amphitrite NONE tpt Amphibalanus amphitrite
Amphibalanus eburneus NONE tpt Amphibalanus eburneus
Amphibalanus subalbidus NONE tpt Amphibalanus subalbidus
Amphibalanus subalbidus NONE tpt Amphibalanus subalbidus
Amphibalanus venustus NONE tpt Amphibalanus venustus
Amphiblestrum trifolium NONE tpt Amphiblestrum trifolium
Amphibolite rocks NONE tpt Amphibolite rocks
Amphicyon idoneus NONE tpt Amphicyon idoneus
Amphidium californicum NONE tpt Amphidium californicum
Amphidium lapponicum NONE tpt Amphidium lapponicum
Amphidium mougeotii NONE tpt Amphidium mougeotii
Amphidon aequicrurius NONE tpt Amphidon aequicrurius
Amphilectus fucorum NONE tpt Amphilectus fucorum
Amphiloma lanuginosum NONE tpt Amphiloma lanuginosum
Amphilonche elongata NONE tpt Amphilonche elongata
Amphipholis NONE tpt Amphipholis
Amphipholis squamata NONE tpt Amphipholis squamata
Amphipithecus mogaungensis NONE tpt Amphipithecus mogaungensis
Amphipoda NONE tpt Amphipoda
Amphisbaenia NONE tpt Amphisbaenia
Amphissites rotundus NONE tpt Amphissites rotundus
Amphissites vanniae NONE tpt Amphissites vanniae
Amphitherium NONE tpt Amphitherium
Amplectobeluidae NONE tpt Amplectobeluidae
Amplexus NONE tpt Amplexus
Amplocypris NONE tpt Amplocypris
Ampullaria NONE tpt Ampullaria
Ampyx NONE tpt Ampyx
Anacamptodon splachnoides NONE tpt Anacamptodon splachnoides
Anacheiluim cocbleatum NONE tpt Anacheiluim cocbleatum
Anacheirurus NONE tpt Anacheirurus
Anacolia laevisphaera NONE tpt Anacolia laevisphaera
Anacolia menziesii NONE tpt Anacolia menziesii
Anadara NONE tpt Anadara
An ancient birch NONE tpt An ancient birch
An apple tree NONE tpt An apple tree
An apple tree NONE tpt An apple tree
Anaptychia aquila detonsa NONE tpt Anaptychia aquila detonsa
Anaptychia ciliaris NONE tpt Anaptychia ciliaris
Anaptychia comosa NONE tpt Anaptychia comosa
Anaptychia detonsa NONE tpt Anaptychia detonsa
Anaptychia erinacea NONE tpt Anaptychia erinacea
Anaptychia granulifera NONE tpt Anaptychia granulifera
Anaptychia hypoleuca NONE tpt Anaptychia hypoleuca
Anaptychia leucomelos NONE tpt Anaptychia leucomelos
Anaptychia sorediifera NONE tpt Anaptychia sorediifera
Anaptychia speciosa NONE tpt Anaptychia speciosa
Anarcestes NONE tpt Anarcestes
An area burned years ago NONE tpt An area burned years ago
Anarhynchus pallidus venustus NONE tpt Anarhynchus pallidus venustus
Anarthraspis NONE tpt Anarthraspis
Anarthraspis chamberlini NONE tpt Anarthraspis chamberlini
Anarthraspis montanus NONE tpt Anarthraspis montanus
Anas crecca carolinensis NONE tpt Anas crecca carolinensis
Anastomosa lamellata NONE tpt Anastomosa lamellata
Anastrophia NONE tpt Anastrophia
Anastrophia NONE tpt Anastrophia
Anastrophyllum hellerianum NONE tpt Anastrophyllum hellerianum
Anastrophyllum michauxii NONE tpt Anastrophyllum michauxii
Anastrophyllum piligerum NONE tpt Anastrophyllum piligerum
Anastrophyllum saxicola NONE tpt Anastrophyllum saxicola
Anatrytone logan NONE tpt Anatrytone logan
Anchilophus desmaresti NONE tpt Anchilophus desmaresti
Anchippus texanus NONE tpt Anchippus texanus
Anchisauripus hitchcocki NONE tpt Anchisauripus hitchcocki
Anchisauripus tuberosus NONE tpt Anchisauripus tuberosus
Anchisauripus dananus NONE tpt Anchisauripus dananus
Anchisauripus exsertus NONE tpt Anchisauripus exsertus
Anchisauripus exsertus NONE tpt Anchisauripus exsertus
Anchisauripus hitchcocki NONE tpt Anchisauripus hitchcocki
Anchisauripus hitchcocki NONE tpt Anchisauripus hitchcocki
Anchisauripus NONE tpt Anchisauripus
Anchisauripus parallelus NONE tpt Anchisauripus parallelus
Anchisauripus sillimani NONE tpt Anchisauripus sillimani
Anchisauripus NONE tpt Anchisauripus
Anchisauripus tuberosus NONE tpt Anchisauripus tuberosus
Anchisaurus polyzelus NONE tpt Anchisaurus polyzelus
Anchitherium NONE tpt Anchitherium
Anchitherium cognatus NONE tpt Anchitherium cognatus
Anchitherium gracilis NONE tpt Anchitherium gracilis
Anchura nebrascensis NONE tpt Anchura nebrascensis
Ancistria NONE tpt Ancistria
Anconodon NONE tpt Anconodon
Ancorichnus coronus NONE tpt Ancorichnus coronus
Anculosa rubiginosa NONE tpt Anculosa rubiginosa
Ancylis mediofasciana NONE tpt Ancylis mediofasciana
Near fallen log sphagnum swamp NONE tpt Near fallen log sphagnum swamp
Near the summit NONE tpt Near the summit
Over rocks NONE tpt Over rocks
Andreaea alpestris NONE tpt Andreaea alpestris
Andreaea crassinervia NONE tpt Andreaea crassinervia
Andreaea nivalis NONE tpt Andreaea nivalis
Andreaea petrophila NONE tpt Andreaea petrophila
Andreaea rupestris NONE tpt Andreaea rupestris
Andromeda NONE tpt Andromeda
An elm NONE tpt An elm
An elm log NONE tpt An elm log
An elm tree NONE tpt An elm tree
Anematina NONE tpt Anematina
Anemia pastinacaria NONE tpt Anemia pastinacaria
Anemia wrightii NONE tpt Anemia wrightii
An exposed rock NONE tpt An exposed rock
Angelina prisca NONE tpt Angelina prisca
Angiospermopsida NONE tpt Angiospermopsida
Animalia HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME tpt Myrsidea birmensis Klockenhoff, 1969 species
Animalia HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME tpt Myrsidea birmensis Klockenhoff, 1969 species
An isolated oak which was festooned lichens spanish moss NONE tpt An isolated oak which was festooned lichens spanish moss